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时间:2020-09-23 11:31来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Food safety is a well-being issue , food safety related to the people's health.Unsafe food not only threaten people's lives but also disregard for life,for human rights and even effect the whole country’s image.And little by little,food safety issues become a focus of attention of the people .At present, the problems of China's food realm of production become increasingly clear. To solve these problems ,the government take effective actions, concerned about the food safety and strengthen supervision of food safety . Recently, the media have reported many times about the case of producing and selling fake Shark fin.Based on the understanding of the case and from the point of view of food safety supervision, the essay will analysis the hidden legal issues in the case. Finally,combined with the current situation of China's food safety ,taking reference to food safety regulatory system of the United States, the European Union and other developed countries, analyzing and discussing the significance of strengthening legislation of food safety supervision to food safety and people's lives.

Keywords:food safety,supervision,legislation,legal consideration

目 录

引 言 4

一、我国食品安全监管的现状及主要表现 4

(一)法律法规不健全 5

(二)政府监管机制不健全 5

(三)检验能力和质量标准体系不健全 5

二、外国食品安全监管分析 5

(一)美国的食品安全监管模式 6

(二)欧盟的食品安全监管模式 7

(三)加拿大的食品安全监管模式 7

(四)日本的食品安全监管模式 8

三、完善我国食品安全监管的建议 8

(一)修订完善《食品安全法》及其实施细则 9

(二)完善我国食品安全监管模式 9

(三)提高食品安全监测能力和质量标准水平 10

(四)建立强有力的“曝光平台” 10

结 论 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 13

引 言

鱼翅是一种蛋白质含量很高的名贵食材,因其独特的口感,昂贵的价格,往往被人们视作身份、地位的象征而搬上餐桌。然后,当今自然界中鲨鱼的数量逐渐减少,社会上的保护鲨鱼组织又在大肆呼吁禁止捕杀鲨鱼,鱼翅的供给显得十分紧张,鱼翅的价格也是水涨船高。在利益的驱使下,不少无良商人用工业明胶制造出假鱼翅,借机牟取暴利。这些假鱼翅正悄悄的流入了市场,走进了饭店,危害着我们的健康。 强化食品安全监管立法的分析:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_61284.html
