摘 要:在2011年的《刑法修正案八》中,有一项原先并不属于刑法控制领域的条款进入了我的眼帘:“在道路上驾驶机动车追逐竞驶,情节恶劣的,或者在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的,处拘役,并处罚金。”这项法条被最高人民法院抽象称为危险驾驶罪。老百姓们初听闻“危险驾驶罪”,肯定把握不准。有的认为能进入刑法的肯定是犯了大事的人,比如致人重伤或死亡;有的也会担惊受怕是不是只要不遵守驾驶规则就有可能牢狱加身?其实危险驾驶罪通俗来说就是“醉驾”、“飙车”情节恶劣。危险驾驶罪是我国刑法中刑罚最轻的罪名,这标志了“严而不厉”的世界刑法立法的大趋势。56162
毕业论文关 键 词:危险驾驶罪,飙车,醉驾,疲劳驾驶,立法不足与完善
Abstract:In 《criminal law amendment eight》of 2011 ,one does not belong to original control in the field of criminal law provisions came into my eyes: "drive a motor vehicle in the road and chasing race drove, if the circumstances are flagrant, or drunk driving a motor vehicle on road, put you detention or fine punishment. " The law is abstract called the crime of dangerous driving by the supreme people's court . Folks who first heard "dangerous driving sin", must can’t grasp it. Some think that can get into the criminal law must be made great things, such as make people serious injury or death ; Some will be scared if people will be putted into prison as long as he doesn't adhere to the rules of driving? In simple terms,Dangerous driving sin is actually Motorcycle racing and Drunken driving.Dangerous driving sin is the lightest punishment in our criminal law, it marks the "strict and not advocating" the trend of world criminal law legislation.
Keywords:The crime of dangerous driving, drag racing, drunken driving,fatigue driving,lack of legislation and the legislation perfect
1 引言 4
2 危险驾驶罪概述 4
2.1 危险驾驶罪的前身 4
2.2 危险驾驶罪入刑的必要性 5
2.3 危险驾驶罪为什么包含飙车情节恶劣和醉驾 5
3 危险驾驶罪的立法不足 6
3.1 危险行为类型范围过于狭窄 6
3.2 区分飙车和“飙车”型危险驾驶罪的不易 6
3.3 飙车型危险驾驶罪有无免责情形 7
3.4 醉驾型危险驾驶罪有无情节轻微情形 7
3.5 危险驾驶罪的执法困境 7
4 危险驾驶罪的完善 8
4.1 怎么拓宽危险驾驶罪的范围 8
4.2 区分飙车和“飙车”型危险驾驶罪 9
4.3 飙车型危险驾驶罪的免责情形 10
4.4 醉驾入刑的界限 10
4.5 法条竞合的处理 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
1 引言:
车祸猛于虎也。2005年11月14日,在山西省沁源县郭道镇的一个普通的早晨,师生们像往常一样在路边进行跑操,一辆大货车以迅猛的速度夺取了21名师生的生命。在货车撞向学生的一瞬间,学校青年教师姜华舍身把两名学生推向了路边,保住了两位学生的生命,姜老师却葬身于车轮。经调查,事故起因为:司机疲劳驾驶。据悉,在事故发生时,货车司机李孝波因为太过劳累而处于深度睡眠状态。 危险驾驶罪的立法不足与完善:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_60660.html