摘 要:女大学生求职过程中遭遇就业歧视愈发常见,歧视种类也日渐繁多,为逃避法律风险,用人单位对女大学生的歧视往往呈现为隐性歧视。女大学生就业歧视不仅侵犯女性平等就业权,还造成了劳动力市场资源浪费。在分析和借鉴欧盟、加拿大和挪威关于禁止就业性别歧视的法律法规之后,结合我国劳动力市场现状,本文提出健全禁止就业歧视立法、强化法律实施、设立专门救济机构、消除社会性别观念差异、完善社会保障制度等建议,以消解女大学生就业歧视,实现真正意义上的就业平等。64429
毕业论文关 键 词:女大学生,平等就业权,隐性歧视,法律应对
Abstract: Female college students suffered employment discrimination become more common during the seeking jobs, types of discrimination has become more numerous, to avoid legal risks, employer discrimination against female students are often presented as hidden discrimination. Employment discrimination against female students not only violated the rights of women's equal employment, but also resulted in a waste of resources in the labor market. After analyzing and reference the EU, Canada and Norway prohibit sex discrimination in employment-related laws and regulations, combined with China's labor market situation, this paper proposed improve the legislation of prohibiting discrimination in employment, strengthen law enforcement, the establishment of specialized relief agencies, the elimination of gender differences in attitudes, improve the social security system and other recommendations, as digestion female students employment discrimination, employment equality in the true sense.
Keywords: female college students, equal employment rights, hidden discrimination, legal response
1 引言 4
2 女大学生隐性就业歧视现状分析 4
2.1 女大学生隐性就业歧视的主要表现 4
2.2 女大学生隐性就业歧视产生的原因分析 6
2.3 反对女大学生隐性就业歧视的必要性 7
3 关于国外禁止就业性别歧视的立法借鉴 8
3.1 欧盟禁止就业性别歧视立法及借鉴 8
3.2加拿大禁止就业性别歧视立法及借鉴 9
3.3 挪威禁止就业性别歧视立法及借鉴 9
4 我国解决女大学生隐性就业歧视的法律应对 10
4.1 健全禁止就业性别歧视立法 10
4.2 增强法律的实施效能 11
4.3 成立专门的救济机构 11
4.4 消除社会性别差异 12
4.5 完善社会保险和福利政策 12
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
1 引言
我国存在着根深蒂固的重男轻女思想,为摒弃已经存在近两千年的男尊女卑的陋习,1954年我国将“男女平等”写入宪法,打破对女性的束缚,解放女性,使女性地位发生了翻天覆地的变化,可是在就业方面,女性实际仍面临较为严重的歧视。2014年的一项调查显示,高达86.6%的女大学生在求职时受到过一种或多种的歧视,中国人民大学在2015年年初的调查也显示,使用同样的简历,男大学生接到面试通知的概率比女大学生高42% ,这两项数据说明女大学生面临着极为严重的就业性别歧视。 女大学生隐性就业歧视及法律应对:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_71592.html