Abstract:In China, in order to comply the value of well-functioning protection of human rights , as a special relief program set for the death penalty cases in the Supreme People's Court and Superior People's Court, the death penalty review procedure itself should be operating well.Fased with lots of problems, lawyers who defense counsel could not play an important part in the death penalty review process: without enough access to involve;weak rights and so on to be bound by specific operating procedures. Therefore, we need to emphasize great attention on the necessity for lawyers intervene in the death penalty review procedures, improving the positive provisions, and lawyer right system.Only in this way, can ensure that lawyers involved in death penalty review process effectively.
Key words: The death penalty review procedure, Lawyers intervene, Lawyers' rights
目 录
引言 4
一、律师介入死刑复核程序的必要性 4
(一)防止办案法官出现职业化的“盲点” 4
(二)有助于适用对被告人有利相关法律规范 4
(三)死刑复核的导向影响刑事政策的形成 5
二、我国律师介入死刑复核程序的发展状况 5
三、律师介入死刑复核程序面临的困境 6
(一)律师进入死刑复核渠道受阻 6
(二)律师会见、阅卷、取证权不明,严重影响辩护效果 6
(三)死刑复核律师准入制度缺失,律师意见不受重视 7
四、关于律师介入死刑复核程序的思考 8
(一)增加律师参与的绝对性规定 8
(二)完善律师权利的配置 9
(三)细化可操作程序 9
结语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
一、律师介入死刑复核程序的必要性 律师介入死刑复核程序发展现状和面临的困境:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_72397.html