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时间:2017-06-20 22:42来源:毕业论文

摘要  撤诉制度制度是民事诉讼一项重要的制度,其作为当事人处分诉讼权利的重要方式,在司法实践中获得广泛的应用。撤诉也是人民法院审结案件的方式之一。撤诉又称为诉的撤销、诉的撤回,它指的是原告在发动诉讼之后又按照法律规定的程序主动使既存的诉讼程序得以终止的行为。撤诉可以发生在当事人起诉后至作出判决前的任一时段,其直接效果就是使已经进行的诉讼终止,并回到零起点状态。这其问不仅涉及原告的诉权、处分权,还涉及被告的处分权,因此必然涉及当事人诉讼权利平等原则。合理的撤诉制度能够保障当事人处分权的充分行使,同时也能够有效节约司法资源。但我国现行民事撤诉制度由于立法上的漏洞和权利设置上的不合理未能起到应有的作用,反而导致侵蚀原告处分权、损害被告权益、浪费诉讼资源等负面后果。10469
关键词:民事撤诉 处分权  存在问题
 withdrawal system system is an important civil litigation system as an important way to dispose of litigation rights of the parties , widely applied in judicial practice . Withdrawal is also one of the ways the People 's Court heard the case . Withdrawal , also known as the revocation appeal , appeal withdrawn, it refers to the plaintiff in the lawsuit after launching another initiative in accordance with procedures prescribed by law to enable proceedings to terminate the existing act . Withdrawal can occur in the party sued to judgment after a period of time before any of its direct effect is to make the termination of the proceedings have been conducted , and return Beginners state. This involves not only the plaintiff asked its right to appeal , disposition , also involving disposition of the defendant, and therefore a right of action must involve the principle of equality of the parties . Reasonable withdrawal system is able to guarantee the full exercise of the disposition of the parties , but also to effectively conserve judicial resources. But our current system due to the withdrawal of civil rights and setting unreasonable legislative loopholes on failed to play its due role, but the plaintiff disposition cause erosion , damage interests of the defendant , the negative consequences of litigation wasting resources .
 Keywords:     Civil withdrawal problems disposition          
撤诉,又称诉之撤回,是指在诉讼进行的过程中,当事人向受诉法院请求,不要求受诉法院就其所提出的诉讼继续进行审判的意思表示。我国《民事诉讼法》第131条对民事撤诉作了原则性的规定:“宣判前原告申请撤诉的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。人民法院裁定不准许撤诉的,原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,缺席判决”。目前我国学术界对民事撤诉的定义大概有以下几种:第一种观点认为:撤诉,是指人民法院对已经受理的案件,在做出判决之前,原告向人民法院要求撤回自己的诉讼请求的行为。第二种观点认为: 撤诉是指当事人以作为或不作为的方式放弃由其提起且已经由人民法院立案受理的诉。第三种观点认为:民事诉讼中的撤诉,又称诉之撤回,是指根据当事人的申请或根据法律的规定,对人民法院已经受理的诉讼予以撤销,从而终结已开始的诉讼程序的诉讼行为。 浅析我国民事撤诉制度:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_9534.html