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时间:2018-03-27 14:25来源:毕业论文

Air conditioning engineering budget and construction organization design of Shen Mao Building
Abstract:According to the air-conditioning drawing of the Shen Mao Building, I calculated the engineering accounts ,the cost of the project accounting statistics, analysis of cost components, and work out the preparation of construction organization design of the engineering. With reasonable construction arrangement and construction plan, ensure the quality, schedule, safety objective of the project, and the best control of cost, using the basic theory and professional knowledge. I also combined with the actual project, instructions given in accordance with the project construction drawings and construction, budget, construction quality and acceptance specification,construction equipment installation standard atlas and related reference materials. Grasp the basic knowledge of building construction, understand the preparation of construction organization design unit engineering procedures andbasis, the correct unit engineering construction organization design, the design and adjustment. Familiar with the work of project cost calculation, complete theanalysis of the cost of the project. Being familiar with engineering construction and costrelated norms, rules, norms.
KeyWords:quantities;list price;budget quota;construction organization    
1  绪论  …  1
2  申茂大厦空调工程预算  2
2.1  工程量计算…  2
2.1.1  工程量计算方法 … 2
2.1.2  设备及管道附件 … 2
2.1.3  管道…4
2.1.4  管道支架制作安装  6
2.2  定额计价  6
2.2.1  设备与附件 … 6
2.2.2  管道刷油刷漆  6
2.2.3  管道支架制作安装及刷油 … 7
2.2.4  管道压力试验  7
2.2.5  管道消毒、冲洗 … 7
2.3  预算分析  7
3  申茂大厦空调工程施工组织设计  8
3.1  施工组织设计的编制依据 … 8
3.2  工程概况  8
3.2.1  工程特点  …  8
3.3  工程目标  9
3.3.1  职业健康、安全与环境目标  9
3.3.2  质量目标  9
3.3.3  文明施工目标  9
3.4  施工进度计划  9
3.4.1  施工布置原则  9
3.4.2  施工准备  9
3.4.3  施工组织  9
3.4.4  施工配合 10
3.5  施工顺序、施工方法和技术措施 10
3.5.1  施工顺序 10
3.5.2  施工方法 10
3.5.3  施工技术措施 11
3.6  技术质量控制点和质量保证的主要技术和管理措施 13
3.6.1  主要施工工艺流程及关键过程的控制 13
3.6.2  工程质量管理保证体系 13
3.6.3  质量保证体系的建立和运行 14
3.6.4  工程质量保证措施 14 申茂大厦空调工程预算与施工组织设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_11917.html