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时间:2019-10-17 20:21来源:毕业论文

本次我们的设计课题为:友谊公寓BIM虚拟建造,课题主要任务是运用BIM技术进行友谊公寓工程建模、工程预算、施工组织设计、三文场地布置、模型虚拟建造等工作任务。本设计课题从运用BIM技术对友谊公寓工程项目进行成本控制管理(控制工程造价)的角度出发,采用BIM电算化算量计价模式进行友谊公寓工程预算,基于BIM 5D虚拟建造技术进行成本控制管理,在此基础上,阐述了采取基于BIM 5D虚拟建造技术进行成本控制管理的优越性及可行性。41088
Friendship Apartment BIM model and cost control
Abstract:With the development of social and economic , globalization, urbanization and sustainable development into three main trends in the development of modern construction, application and development of building information modeling (BIM) technology has been rooted in the soil of modern construction industry .
 The team design issues as:Friendship Apartment BIM virtual building construction, project main task is to carry out the project using BIM modeling Friendship Apartment, project budget, construction design, virtual building model,Three-dimensional venue layout and other tasks.The design issues from the use of BIM technology for Friendship Apartment project cost control management (control project cost) point of view, the use of BIM computerized count the amount of the project budget pricing model building Friendship Apartment, based on BIM 5D virtual construction technology cost control and management, on this basis, to take advantage of and elaborated feasibility cost control management based BIM 5D virtual construction technology.
Key Words: BIM5D; The virtual construction; Project; Cost control and management
目  录
1  团队课题设计要求    1
1.1 课题内容要求    1
1.2 课题软件要求    1
1.3 任务分配    1
2  团队课题设计说明    2
2.1  工程概况    2
2.2 工程BIM软件应用说明    2
2.2.1 Revit建模软件     2
2.2.2 施工现场三文平面布置软件    2
2.2.3 Project进度计划软件    3
2.2.4 GCL土建算量软件    3
2.2.5 GBQ工程计价软件    3
2.2.6 BIM 5D虚拟建造软件    3
3  Revit建模软件介绍及操作过程     4
3.1 Revit建模软件介绍    4
3.1.1 Revit建模软件的发展    4
3.1.2 Revit建模软件的应用    4
3.1.3 Revit建模软件的优点    5
3.1.4 Revit建模软件的缺点    5
3.1.5 Revit建模软件的功能    6
3.2 Revit工程建模过程展示    7
        3.2.1轴网和标高    7
3.2.2柱    10
3.2.3梁    12
3.2.4板    13
3.2.5墙    15
3.2.6 门窗、幕墙    16
4  工程预算模块软件应用介绍及操作过程    18
4.1 软件介绍    18
4.1.1 广联达BIM土建算量GCL2013软件介绍    18
广联达BIM土建算量GCL2013算量体系架构    19
4.1.2  广联达计价软件GBQ4.0软件介绍    19
4.2  广联达BIM土建算量GCL2013应用    20 友谊公寓BIM模型构建及成本控制:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_41035.html