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时间:2020-01-01 21:11来源:毕业论文


结构部分:首先确定结构形式采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,屋盖及楼盖采用现浇式结构。然后进行梁板柱尺寸、混凝土强度及其钢筋等级的确定,材料及尺寸确定后使用 PKPM软件绘制结构平面布置图。通过软件电算得到板配筋结果。整体结构的设计,主要在SATWE里进行,并对周期比、位移比、轴压比三大指标进行判断,由此判断计算结果是否合格。最后JCCAD中绘制的柱下独立基础。最后完成了梁板柱平法施工图、基础施工图及楼梯配筋图的绘制。

毕业论文关键词: 钢筋混凝土框架;抗震;建筑;施工图;结构设计


The design for the structural design of a nursing home in Suzhou, including architectural, structural design of two parts. Building: First determine the initial program, including determining the column spacing, the height and room features. After determining the program by Tengen software to complete the plane of the substrate, each floor plan, facade, side elevational, flat roof, sectional view of a main staircase plane, sections, doors and tables, construction descriptions. Moiety: the mission statement requires structure situ reinforced concrete frame structure, roof and floor using cast concrete floor. Then we want to determine the size of slab column, select the appropriate concrete and steel, materials and dimensions and then use the software to draw PKPM structure floorplan. By PKPM to come to the preliminary Computing plate reinforcement. Then there were SETWE period ratio, displacement ratio, axial compression ratio of the three key data for analysis and judgment, whereby the test results is qualified. Then draw level construction method Figure beams and columns, the last column draw under an independent basis and foundation in JCCAD in detail. Finalization of the column flat slab construction method diagram, pile-bit layout, foundation reinforcement construction plans and drawing stairs FIG.

Keywords: reinforced concrete frame; architectural design; structural design; plan; construction drawings.


1 建筑方案设计 1

1.1  设计依据 1

1.1.1  相关规范 1

    1.1.2  任务书要求 1

1.2  设计要求 1

1.3  建筑设计方案 2

1.3.1  平面设计 2

1.3.2  立面设计 3

1.3.3  剖面设计 3

1.3.4  楼屋面设计 4

2  结构方案设计 5

2.1  设计依据 5

2.2  设计要求 5

2.3  结构设计方案 5

    2.3.1  确定结构类型及抗震等级 5

    2.3.2  结构布置方案 6

    2.3.3  材料选择 6

    2.3.4  梁板柱截面尺寸确定 7

3 楼屋面荷载与配筋计算 气象人工服务中心建筑结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_44396.html
