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时间:2020-03-08 12:17来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT China's real estate market has been from a seller's market into a buyer's market, traditional marketing concept has less able to seize the consumer's heart, how to stand out in many real estate commodity, we must to research the laws of the market, the marketing management rise to the strategic height of enterprise development, developed to fit the current real estate market marketing strategy.
This paper is to Nanjing Jingmen government projects as the carrier and reference books in a variety of data, on the basis of marketing theory, dialysis background, understanding and the purpose and significance of the research, mainly is through the analysis of today's real estate market and the SWOT analysis of the project, a locating and understanding, then the market subpision and 4P theory to make the deployment of tactical marketing, in order to achieve the sales objective of the project, and to the overall project promotion expenses budget, dedicated to programming a reference template for Jingmen government projects.
Keyword:Real estate; market; marketing; planning
目  录
第一章 项目概况    1
第二章  市场分析与预测    3
2.1 全国宏观环境分析    3
2.2 南京市中观环境分析    5
2.3 京门府微观房地产市场分析    11
第三章  选择市场机会    13
3.1项目SWOT分析    13
3.2市场细分    14
第四章  制定营销战略    16
4.1入市推广策略    16
4.2总体推广费用预算    17
第五章  部署营销战术    21
5.1 产品策略    20
5.2 价格策略    21
5.3 促销策略    22
5.4 销售渠道策略     23
结束语    25
致  谢    26
参考文献    27
第一章  项目概况
表1-1 项目基本情况
项目名称    京门府
产品介绍    产品特点    新古典风格品质、卓越户型设计、主城罕有面积赠送
    地块位置    秦淮龙幡中路388号(东至规划道路,西至龙蟠中路)
    建设周期    2年
    总用地面积    13445平方米    总建筑面积    37379平方米
    容积率    2.78    绿化率    47%
    土地用途    住宅用地周边环境    学校    小学    南京市建康路小学、大光路小学、南京市小西湖小学分校 南京京门府地产营销策划报告+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_47810.html