With the development of China's economy and the accelerating of the urbanization process. Appeared in the process of urban construction a large number of deep and large foundation pit. In order to keep the subject construction of foundation pit safety and convenience,and Guarantee the excavation on the surrounding buildings and transportation to has a smaller impact. We Must carry out a calculation on the pit slope stability . Through the investigation report, we should choose the reasonable supporting structure type. In this paper, the nanshan Minneapolis 1 # building foundation pit geological and environment analysis and calculation,then we can choose to design a set of reasonable supporting structure type. The engineering of foundation pit depth is 5.9 m,it has good soil and hydrology condition, but engineering geological condition is complex. Through detailed analysis of survey report, we draw a set of design scheme, it has mainly used the method of Rankine's earth pressure on retaining structure under load is calculated. We has calculated the maximum bending moment of piles, and finally calculate the piles and pile length of retaining structure reinforcement. We has Finally designed a set of suitable for precipitation scheme and construction scheme of this project.
Key words: Foundation pit; Bracing structure; Earth pressure; Bored piles; precipitation
第一章 绪论-1
1.1.2 基坑支护结构的选择依据3
1.1.4 深基坑支护技术的发展展望7
1.2 灌注桩支护结构设计施工中存在的问题-8
1.3 本次选题的目的和意义8
1.3.1 选题的目的-9
1.3.2 选题的意义10
第二章 方案介绍-11
2.1 工程简况12
2.2 场地的地形、地貌、地质构造-13
2.3 场地地层结构14
2.4 场地地下水15
2.5 支护方案的设计15
2.5.1 设计思路-16
2.5.2 排、降水设计-16
2.5.3 支护方案设计17
2.6 其他说明-17
2.7 设计依据18
第三章 基坑支护结构设计计算书-19
3.1 设计计算 19
3.1.1 地质计算参数表-19
3.2.1土压力模式-20 灌注桩住宅楼基坑支护设计方案+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_54880.html