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时间:2020-10-17 09:34来源:毕业论文

摘要上海金城绿园办公楼建筑与结构设计摘要:本设计课题是上海金城绿园物业办公楼建筑和结构设计,采用的是结构型式为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,屋盖及楼盖采用现浇式结构。地上七层。高度为25.8米。框架结构一个很大的优点就是内墙可有可无,房间可以灵活布置,整体性比砖混结构要好,可以形成大的空间结构,并且具有施工方便,经济适用等特点。框架结构作为一种常用的结构形式, 具有以上所述优点, 目前已被广泛地应用于各类多层的工业与民用建筑中。故本办公楼采用框架结构。58156


 the architectural and structural design of Shanghai Jincheng Garden property office building 

 Abstract:The project which has been designed is the architectural and structural design of Shanghai Jincheng Garden property office building . The structure of building is cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system. Roof and floor cast-in-situ type structure. It has 7 floors on the ground.Its height is 25.8meters. The design mainly includes the architectural designand the structure design.The interior wall is not essential in the frame system,so the arrangement of the room can be flexible.The integrity of the frame is better than mixed structure.It can form a large

Space structure.What’s more, it is convenient to construct and more affordable.The frame system as a common form of the sructure has many advantages .It has been used in various types of industrial and civil buildings.So the design of the office building use the frame system. 

KeyWords:property office building;cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system; structure design;


引言 4

[摘要] 5

1 建筑设计 6

1.1 设计依据 6

1.2工程概况 6

1.3建筑设计 6

1.3.1柱网布置 6

1.3.2 各各层使用功能布置如下 7

1.3.3卫生间 7

1.3.4 楼梯 7

2 结构设计 8

2.1 设计依据 8

2.1.1 工程设计使用年限 8

2.1.2 自然条件 8

2.2 设计要求 9

2.2.1 抗震设防要求 9

2.2.2 设计荷载 9

2.2.3 设计规范及规程 9

2.3 结构方案 10

2.3.1 结构选型 10

2.3.2 结构布置 10

2.3.3 基础形式 10

2.4 主要材料 10

2.4.1 混凝土强度等级 10

2.4.2 钢材 10

2.4.3 钢筋接头形式 10

2.4.4 混凝土保护层厚度 11

2.4.5 围护结构及隔墙 11

2.5梁、板、柱截面选择 11

3 荷载计算 12

4  结构电算 15 上海市金城绿园物业办公楼建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_63128.html
