摘 要日照港位于中国 18000公里海岸线中部,东临黄海,北与青岛港,南与连云港港比邻;隔海与日本、韩国、朝鲜相望。日照港建港条件得天独厚,港区湾阔水深,陆域宽广,气候温和,不冻不淤,是难得的天然深水良港。经济腹地纵深广阔,运输需求旺盛,集疏运高效便捷,海上航线可达世界各港,已与 100 多个国家和地区通航,是我国重要的水运交通枢纽。本设计根据日照港区的水文地质资料,结合工程建设的目的及后续发展,确定总平面布置方案。然后根据地基土的性质及其它资料,确定码头结构形式为高桩码头。之后进行码头结构的初步设计与验算,主要是荷载计算,面板设计,纵梁设计,轨道梁设计,横梁设计和靠船构件设计。最后,做了一个简单的施工组织设计。59527
Abstract Rizhao port is located in the central part of China's 18000 km coastline.The Yellow Sea to the East, North and south of Qingdao port, andLianyungang port near; across the sea with Japan, South Korea and NorthKorea across the sea. Rizhao port port construction condition is advantaged,bay harbor broad depth of water, broad land, mild climate not frozen silt, is arare natural deep-water harbor. Economic hinterland of wide deep, thetransportation demand is exuberant, transportation convenient and efficient,sea routes up to the world Hong has with more than 100 countries andregions in navigation is our country's important transportation hub.According to the hydro geological data of Rizhao port, and the purposeof the project construction and the subsequent development, the generallayout plan of the project is determined. Then the preliminary design andchecking calculation of wharf structure are carried out. Is the main loadcalculation, panel design, longitudinal design, track beam design, beamdesign and berthing member design. Finally, a simple constructionorganization design is made.
Key words: Rizhao port; bulk wharf; Piled wharf;Structure design.
目 录
绪 论.. 1
第一章 设计资料.3
1.2设计船型及吞吐量... 3
1.3.1 设计水位3
1.3.2 潮汐...3
1.3.3 设计波浪4
1.3.4 潮流...4
1.3.5 风况...4
1.3.6 地质...4
1.3.7 地震..5
第二章 结构选型..6
第三章 总平面布置. 7
3.3.1 装卸工艺设计原则..7
3.3.2 装卸工艺选型及工艺流程....8
3.3.3 装卸机械数量8
3.4 码头泊位数确定. 9
3.4.1 泊位通过能力计算..9
3.4.2 泊位数计算 9
3.4.3 泊位利用率... 10
3.5 码头平面布置... 10
3.5.1 码头前沿水深....10
3.5.2 码头前沿高程.... 11
3.5.3 码头长度计算.... 11
3.5.4 码头宽度确定...12
3.6 码头前水域尺度.... 12
3.6.1 码头前靠泊水域宽度. 12
3.6.2 码头前船舶回旋水域尺度...12
3.6.3 进港航道尺度....12
3.7 仓库堆场尺度... 13
第四章 码头结构计算.15
4.3.1 恒载15
4.3.2 均布荷载.. 15
4.3.3 装卸机械荷载....15
4.3.4 船舶荷载.. 17
4.4.1 计算原则. 22
4.4.2 计算跨度. 22
4.4.3 作用分析. 23
4.4.4 作用效应计算...23
4.4.5 作用效应组合...28
4.4.6 配筋计算. 30
4.4.7 抗裂验算. 35 日照港港区1万吨级散货码头设计及施工组织设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_64787.html