致 谢 84
本设计主要为上海上海绿洲商务会所,其中包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑底层层高4.5m,标准层高为3.6m,共五层,建筑总面积5033.28m2 。建筑功能包括瑜伽馆、SPA馆、健身馆、餐厅、厕所、消防楼梯等。其建筑风格以简约、舒适为主题,给人营造一个舒适的缓解生活压力的商务会所。
关键词: 简约;舒适;现浇混凝土框架结构;井字梁楼盖
The oasis of Shanghai Business Club Architectural And Structural Design
This design is mainly for the oasis of Shanghai Business Club, including building design and structure design two parts. Construction bottom layer is 4.5 meters and standard layer is 3.6 meters, a total of five layers, a total construction area of 5033.28 m2. Building features include yoga hall, SPA hall, gym, dining room, toilet, fire stairs and so on. Its architectural style with simple, comfortable theme, to create a comfortable and ease the pressure of the commercial club.
Structure forms the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the roof and floor cast-in-site type structure. Floor layout forms of the ribbed beams floor.
Key words: simple; Comfortable; In-situ concrete frame structure; ribbed beams floor
第1章 建筑设计
1.1 设计依据
《民用建筑设计通则》 GB50352-2005
《民用建筑隔声设计规范》 GBT50121-2005
《建筑采光设计标准》 GB/T50033-2001
《房屋建筑制图统一标准》 GB50001-2010
《建筑模数协调统一标准》 GBJ2-86
《混凝土结构设计规范》 GB50010—2010
《建筑抗震设计规范》 GB50011—2010
《建筑结构荷载规范》 GB50009—2001 商务会所建筑与结构设计+计算书+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_8023.html