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时间:2018-06-27 19:57来源:毕业论文

A construction site accidents Analysis and Prevention Countermeasures
Abstract:Construction as a new pillar industry of China, Also an accident-prone industry, Factors affect the quality of personnel, education, environment and other site, Making endless construction site safety hazards, Construction site safety situation is grim.
By internships with Project Department in Nanjing ICC, Discovered and documented safety hazards during construction, And on the basis of the investigation of safety management on the status of construction projects, from the research point of departure safety system engineering, By applying the method what include SCL、FTA、FMEA、PHA and other analysis to analysis the Five categories of injuries(falls, collapses against objects, electrocution) and Other common accident risks, Summed up the characteristics of accidents, And the analysis results, Research on countermeasures from both management and technology, Get an effective accidents prevention system.
Keywords: Construction site;  Analysis of accidents;  Five categories of accidents; Prevention system
1.引言    1
1.1 选题的目的语意义    1
1.1.1 建筑施工安全事故数据统计    1
1.1.2 选题的目的    3
1.1.3 选题的意义    3
1.2 建筑施工现场安全生产存在的问题    3
2.工程概况    6
2.1 工程简介    6
2.2 场地概况    6
3.分析方法选用与方法介绍    7
3.1  分析方法选用    7
3.1.1 系统安全分析    7
3.1.2 分析方法确定    7
3.2 分析方法介绍    7
3.2.1 安全检查表法(SCL)    7
3.2.2 事故树分析法(FTA)    8
3.2.3 故障类型和影响分析(FMEA)    9
3.2.4 预先危险性分析法(PHA)    10
4.施工现场事故及事故隐患分析    11
4.1 事故现场事故分类    11
4.1.1 高处坠落事故    11
4.1.2 坍塌事故    12
4.1.3 物体打击事故    13
4.1.4 触电事故    13
4.1.5 机械伤害事故    14
4.2 事故隐患分析    14
4.2.1 对高处坠落事故的隐患分析    14
4.2.2 对物体打击事故的隐患分析    17
4.2.3 对触电事故的隐患分析    19
4.2.4 对坍塌事故的隐患分析    21
4.2.5 对机械伤害事故的隐患分析    25
4.2.6 对其它常见事故的隐患分析    31
5.施工现场事故隐患防治对策研究    37
5.1 在制度管理方面进行事故隐患防治对策研究    37 某建筑工地事故隐患分析与防治对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_18360.html