Research on the path of agricultural technology extension under the background of rural hollowing
Abstract: At present, China is in the period of rapid urbanization,The transfer of a large number of rural labor force to cities and towns has become more and more serious."Hollowing out" has a great impact on the rural economy, ecology and society, but also has a great impact on the current agricultural science and technology extension system.The traditional mode of agricultural science and technology extension in the rural areas can not adapt to the "hollowing out" of the rural environment, there are a lot of "bad symptoms", we must realize the transformation of optimization to seek a breakthrough.At the same time, it is an important support for the sustainable development of modern agriculture to establish and improve the new agricultural social science and technology service system.
Key words: Hollowing; University; Agricultural technology extension; Path Study
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
一、绪论 2
(一)研究背景及意义 2
(二)研究内容、技术路线 3
二、概念界定与文献综述 4
(一)国外研究概况 4
(二)国内研究概况 5
(三)文献述评 5
三、现状分析:“空心化”对于农技推广的冲击 5
(一)农村“空心化”对农技推广活动造成了全面冲击 5
(二)传统高校农技推广现状——以南京农业大学为例 6
四、实证研究:来自农技推广受体的调查研究 6
(一)样本基本情况 6
(二)受体对农技推广体系体验研究 7
五、案例研究:来自新农村发展研究院的个案分析 8
(一)新农村发展研究院的优势与机遇 8
(二)新农村发展研究院的劣势与挑战 9
751、政策建议:空心化背景下农技推广的应对策略 10
(一)创新高校农技推广运行机制及办法 10
(二)加强高校农技推广法律保障 10
(三)充实新农村发展研究院功能并统筹协调 10
致谢 10
参考文献 11
近年来,我国东部沿海经济的迅速发展和城市经济、工业经济的高速崛起,经济发展需要更多的劳动力,同时由于农民对生活预期收益和发展机会的期盼,加之农民进城就业的政策壁垒被打破,促使我国农村地区劳动力向城市转移,农村青壮年选择外出打工,由此一来,农村剩余人口的年龄结构失衡,富有知识和精力的年轻群体出走,最终造成农村趋向于“空心村”。在此背景下,传统的农业技术推广体系显示出诸多不适症状,若不及时调整,将滞缓甚至阻碍我国农业发展进程。 农村空心化背景下高校农技推广路径研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_20928.html