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时间:2017-02-07 20:10来源:毕业论文

The development of wedding derivatives market and its potential research
Abstract: As an emerging industry, wedding derivatives market is growing as a sunrise industry. Chinese wedding market is huge and has amazing spending power, while booming wedding market has also led to the rapid development of related industries. However, with the accelerated social transformation, a lot of wedding derivatives now suffered an unprecedented crisis, facing threat of stagnation and even shrinking. In this regard, the development of wedding derivatives market and its potential research will get increasingly popular social concerned as a means of revitalization process. Our research of the development of wedding derivatives market and its potential will help to dig deeply in consumer psychology and advocate for innovative wedding derivatives, and also propose adequate theoretical basis of the wedding derivatives market revitalization and its innovation. This paper will use a method of combining theory with the actual case. First ,it reviews the development status of the wedding market. Next, it gives in-depth analysis of the marketing of wedding derivatives market status and consumer behavior, and then it’s combined with successful wedding derivatives innovative marketing stories and make a feasibility marketing strategy of revitalization and development of the wedding derivatives market.
Key words: wedding market;derivatives;potential research
目   录

一、绪论    1
(一)    研究背景    1
(二)    研究意义    1
(三)    研究思路和方法    2
二、国内外研究现状    3
(一)    国外研究综述    3
(二)    国内研究综述    3
三、婚庆衍生品市场调查分析    4
(一)    调研设计与方法    4
(二)    数据分析    4
1.)样本分布    4
2. )分析报告    5
(三)    总结    9
四、婚庆衍生品市场存在的问题    10
五、关于婚庆衍生品创新    12
(一)产品创新    12
(二)渠道创新    13
751、研究结论    14
(一)研究结论    14
(二)研究的局限性    14
致谢    15
参考文献    16
附录 问卷调查表    18
(一)    研究背景
自从上世纪90年代初中国第一家婚庆公司成立之后, 婚庆市场的蛋糕越做越大, 并牵动了交通旅游、婚纱摄影、家居用品、美容美发、首饰礼品、烟酒餐饮、等相关产业的发展。 婚庆衍生品市场发展及潜力研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_2599.html