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时间:2020-07-07 19:01来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the carbon emissions impact on people's daily lives more and more, while more scholars on the issue of carbon emissions a lot of research. The carbon emissions from household energy consumption has become a very important part of the city 's carbon emissions, analysis of various factors which control its negative impact on the local and global climate change has very important significance.Nanjing,for example, through questionnaires and visits to collect a total of 500 valid questionnaires. through mathematical statistics of these questionnaires urban households energy consumption factor analysis, the results showed that in 2013 the average household energy direct carbon Nanjing emissions 16432.6kg / ( household • a), direct carbon emissions from electricity consumption of household energy consumption is the main way of Nanjing direct carbon emissions, power consumption is a direct carbon emissions bottled liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas in the total emissions of nearly 4 times . Obtained by one-way ANOVA and multiple regression equation, the family is the most important social circumstances factor directly affecting household consumption of carbon emissions. By analyzing the obtained family residential area, family size, family income, and direct carbon emissions from energy consumption of households have a more significant impact, studies designed to provide specific information for the sustainable development of the city, to provide reasonable planning of urban settlements valuable data to support the theory.

Keywords: Urban families, Energy consumption, direct carbon emissions

目  录                                  

1 前言 4

2 研究区概况 4

3 研究途径和方法 5

3.1 问卷调查及走访 5

3.2 数据处理和分析方法 7

3.2.1 家庭能源消耗直接碳排放计算 8

4 结果与分析 8

4.1 被调查家庭基本情况 8

4.2 家庭能耗碳排放基本情况 9

4.3 家庭能耗影响因子 9

讨论与结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢: 12

1 前言

随着我国经济的发展,城市化进程的迅速推进,人民生活水平的提高以及产业结构的调整,城市生活能耗消费量将不断提高,进而导致城市家庭能耗碳排放对环境造成的胁迫效应更加显著。目前关于城市碳排放的研究,有学者对城市人居环境的碳排放进行了分析,如对家庭能耗碳消费的家庭社会情况影响机制开展的研究,有分析表明,家庭能源消费与家庭人口特征、经济水平、社会地位、地理位置及电器拥有情况等诸多因素有关,另外还有些研究侧重于建筑物特征对于家庭能耗的影响[1]。但是综合家庭住宅的自然环境以及家庭社会情况等人文因素,明晰这些因子对家庭能耗碳排放的影响程度的分析还较少。本文从影响家庭能耗直接碳排放的自然环境因子(家庭住区环境)和社会人文因子(家庭社会情况与耗能倾向)入手,以社会问卷的方式获取第一手调查资料,分析城市家庭能源直接碳排放的影响机制,以期为低碳生态型城市发展战略提供理论依据,促进城市可持续发展[2]。 南京市民家庭能源直接碳排放的影响因素研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55901.html
