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时间:2017-05-09 22:04来源:毕业论文

关键词:退休养老 ;养老金缺口;人口老龄化
Adjustment of the retirement age of the pension system
Abstract: As population growth rate decreased mortality, longer life expectancy, future changes in the age structure of the population overall trend towards reduced the proportion of the population of children, increased the proportion of the elderly population, resulting in changes in social dependency ratio is mainly reflected in the elderly population dependency ratio continuously increased. China is facing a high-income countries experiencing population aging problem, and its possession of money and only a middle-income country, how to configure resources creatively to establish their own national conditions suitable pension system will be a huge challenge
In this paper , through literature induction, data analysis, comparative analysis. By China's current situation and the Western welfare state comparisons to highlight China and other countries there is a big difference, presented to the system of pension insurance system some suggestions to improve future pension problems
Key Words: retirement;pension gap;An aging population
目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)问题的提出及选题的意义    1
(二)文献综述    2
1.    国内研究现状    2
2.    国外研究情况概述    4
3.    总结评价    5
(三)研究方法    5
(四)研究内容及思路    6
(五)研究意义    6
二、我国退休养老制度现状    8
(一)我国退休养老制度概述    8
1.    退休养老的的内涵    8
2.    我国养老保险制度相关规定    8
(二)我国养老金缺口规模    9
1.    养老金缺口的界定    9
2.    缺口规模    9
(三)对养老金缺口的主要成因分析    10
1.    养老金隐性债务和转轨成本    10
2.    人口老龄化    10
3.    投资收益低    11
4.    养老金双轨制    11
5.    提前退休    11
三、退休年龄变动对养老保险制度的影响    13
(一)退休年龄与养老金缺口间的关系    13
(二)提前退休对养老保险制度的影响    14
(三)延长退休年龄对养老保险制度的影响    15
1.    延长退休年龄的利处    15
2.    延长退休年龄的不利影响    16
四、改革建议    19
(一)风险储备    19
(二)人力资本    20
五、结语    21 论退休年龄调整对养老保险制度的影响:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_6679.html