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时间:2021-01-16 14:01来源:毕业论文



Research on the marketing strategy of Amoy brand AFU

Abstract:Twenty-first Century today, the rapid development of the Internet and the increase in the number of its use, so that it has gradually become a frequent use of people's daily life communication tools. Accompanied by the generation of electronic business platform Taobao, people's consumption habits and shopping patterns changed, especially 80,90 emerged after the young people, they advocate convenient novel, which to online shopping created enormous wealth of business opportunities, many inpiduals or enterprises in Taobao such a business platform to open shops selling items. Since ancient times, the purchasing power of women is the main force, of course, Taobao network is no exception. In women's online shopping items, but also to the majority of cosmetics. Cosmetics online consumer market is very large, and is known as the most potential for development, the most rapid growth of the industry. With the trend of online shopping, but also gave birth to a number of Taobao and fire up the brand, they are called Amoy brand". "AFU" is such a Amoy brand.This paper to Amoy brand "Aurora" as the object of study of "Aurora" marketing strategy analysis, elaborate the Amoy brand "Aurora" research background, research purpose, and through analysis the marketing environment of the "Aurora" and "Aurora" marketing strategy, which reached Amoy brand "Aurora" in the marketing strategy of positive side and existing problems. Hope that through this "Aurora" marketing strategy research, enhanced "Aurora" in Amoy brand of cosmetics industry competitiveness, expanding its sales and further open up the market, make the marketing strategy of "Aurora" more perfect. At the same time, also hope that through this article for other Taobao cosmetics brand, in the marketing strategy to provide advice.

KeyWords: Amoy brand;AFU; marketing strategy

 目  录

一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究的意义和背景 1

(二) 国内外研究现状 1

(三) 研究的内容和方法’ 2

二、 淘品牌“阿芙”概况 3

(一) 阿芙品牌的简介 3

(二) 阿芙的发展历程 3 淘品牌阿芙的营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_68365.html
