Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and the progressive increase of consumption, more and more consumers chose high-grade liquor .So the traditional liquor businesses went along the high-end and the luxury route at present. All the liquor businesses of competition became more and more fierce. However the liquor businesses ran the O2O model badly. And consumers liked the liquor that was made to order. Jiang Xiaobai’s derivative marketing model was born on the stage of liquor. This paper chose this youth liquor as example, this paper gave people a very brief overview of derivative marketing’s strengths and weaknesses. This paper listed some typical derivative marketing platform. At the same time, this paper gave people a very brief SWOT analysis of Jiang Xiaobai’s derivative marketing model. Then this paper made comparisons between traditional liquor business’s dilemmas with Jiang Xiaobai’s strength、weaknesses、opportunity and threats at present. Then putted forward measures.This paper hoped those measures can help the tradition liquor’s development more effective.
Keywords: Jiang Xiaobai, derivative marketing,tradition liquor business,SWOT
1 引言 3
2 微商营销 3
2.1 定义 3
2.2 典型微商平台 4
2.3 微商营销的特征 5
3 传统酒业市场的困境 6
3.1 传统酒业过度的以产品为导向 6
3.2 传统酒业的营销渠道冗长 6
3.3 传统酒业内部结构失衡、竞争残酷 6
4 江小白微商营销的SWOT分析 7
4.1 优势 7
4.2 劣势 8
4.3 机会 8
4.4 威胁 8
5 传统酒业应采取的措施 9
5.1 以消费者需求为导向,借助潮流的优势 9
5.2 借鉴江小白的O2O营销模式,做好网络的发展 9
5.3 采取互向模式,抓住发展品牌文化的机会 10
结 论 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
1 引言
中国历史悠久,孕育了大量的文化事物,酒文化也随着历史的发展而深入人心。现在已经形成了很有特色的白酒集团,茅台酒和五粮液为第一集团酒企,剑南春、国窖、郎酒等为第二集团酒企,各地方区域性的小型酒厂为第三集团酒企[1]。这三大集团的大小酒企目前共有两万多家。酒企之间存在竞争是在所难免的,但名酒企业之间的竞争却随市场经济的变化而不断恶化,酒企之间的竞争到现在已经经历了四大阶段:产品竞争、渠道竞争、终端为王、品牌营销[2]。传统中高端酒业虽然具有很大的文化优势,但没有合理利用其优势,扬长避短,导致产品的价值不能满足消费者需求。正是在这种背景下,微商卖酒横空出世,营销者借助网络平台经营售酒,微商卖酒颠覆了行业的规则,经营者以消费者需求为导向,旨在研究可以满足大众消费需求的小酒,本文侧重微商卖酒对中高端酒业冲击的简单研究。 江小白酒的微商营销对传统酒业冲击+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_69871.html