毕业论文关键词 薪酬公平感 性别 年龄 工作年限
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title On relationship between inpidual characteristics of employee and perception of pay equity
Pay a sense of fairness is one of important research problem in compensation management, this article to explore employee compensation fairness relationship with the inpidual characteristics, in combination with the Perception of pay equity theory, based on the random survey in the form of questionnaire survey of 170 on-the-job employees, using SPSS software to regression analysis of survey data, at the same time, the various factors analysis of the average salary of fairness. Survey results indicate that on-the-job employees' pay was significantly associated with a sense of fairness and gender, and age, working years was not significant correlation. Based on the summary of the practical results, analyzes the three factors lead to pay fairness of different reasons, and finally to the enterprise puts forward some countermeasures on how to improve the employees' pay fairness.
Keywords Perception of pay equity Gender Age Seniority
目 录
1 引言 1
2 薪酬公平感的相关理论回顾 2
2.1 薪酬公平的内涵 2
2.2 薪酬公平的原则 2
2.3 薪酬公平感的维度 3
2.4 影响薪酬公平感的因素 3
3 薪酬公平感的实证研究 4
3.1 样本分析 4
3.2 数据分析 5
3.3 研究结论 7
3.4 结果分析 8
4 提高员工薪酬公平感的对策 8
4.1 改进薪酬设计 8
4.2 从立法层面保证男女同工同酬 9
4.3 增强对员工的人文关怀 9
结 论 11
致 谢 12
参 考 文 献 13
附录A:绩效工资调查问卷 15
1 引言
当前企业的薪酬改革日益频繁,薪酬改革已经成为制约我国经济发展改革中的瓶颈,与此同时薪酬的公平感越来越被认为是衡量与评判个体在工作中的公平感的最重要的因素之一,现代人力资源管理不仅没有回避个人利益这个敏感的问题,而且突出强调个人报酬与劳动贡献的高度相关性,要求实施严格市场意义下的按劳分配政策。因而,许多学者都将薪酬管理的公平性作为保健因素,认为不公平会挫伤员工工作积极性,但事实上公平并不一定能激发员工的工作积极性。但这种不是人云亦云的普遍意义的公平,没有任何针对性和差异性的公平反而不利于员工的薪酬满足感的提升。 员工个体特征对薪酬公平感的影响:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_74254.html