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时间:2021-06-11 20:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  网购 消费行为 社会消费结构 网购互动关系

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title         "Singles" to "shopping carnival" road - The impact of the network on consumption            


Social life of the network has given rise to widespread and profound social change. The rapid popularity of the network, expanding the ranks of Internet users, the network's fast and persified lead consumption changes. Online shopping booming with young college students combine everyday behavior, and gradually penetrated into various groups within society, coupled with relentless marketing businesses, with the wave of Internet users, the online shopping promotion to new heights. Thriving online shopping store continue to impact the status of "online shopping" consumer explosive rise gradually changing the social structure of consumption. When the "online shopping" and the emerging youth festival "Singles" hook, after years of development, already formed a new social customs. Consumer behavior is essential to human life, one's sense of identity online shopping has changed consumer behavior of various groups, the social consumption structure will change as these fundamentals occur more profound change, human society will explore a new unknown areas of consumption. Changes in consumer behavior requirements, require us to rediscover the network backdrop shop and the store, consumers and shop, shop and commodity mutual relations between suppliers. 

Keywords   Consumer behavior  online shopping  social consumption structure  interactive relationships of online shopping


1 引言 1

2 网络的迅速发展 1

3“光棍节”与网络购物的结合 1

4 网络营销的成功:“购物狂欢节” 2

5 国内外主要的网购网站 3

5.1 国外主要购物网站: 3

5.2国内流行的主要购物网站 3

6 网络购物与传统零售业的比较分析 4

7 网络购物的利弊 7

7.1 网络购物的有利因素 8

7.2 网络购物的弊端 8

7.3 解决网购弊端的应对措施 10

8 网购成瘾与过度消费 11 网络对消费模式的影响“光棍节”到“购物狂欢节”之路:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_76732.html
