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时间:2021-08-14 20:00来源:毕业论文
以 Visual Basic 6.0 软件为开发平台,采用间接平差模型,按照最小 二乘原理,实现水准网数据的自动平差计算。根据水准网点之间的位置特征,以 及已知数据、未知数据、观测数据之间的

摘要本设计以 Visual Basic 6.0 软件为开发平台,采用间接平差模型,按照最小 二乘原理,实现水准网数据的自动平差计算。根据水准网点之间的位置特征,以 及已知数据、未知数据、观测数据之间的对应关系编辑数据的组织结构,并存储 在文本文件中。在 Visual Basic 6.0 软件中进行代码的编辑,自动读取文本文件 中的水准网观测数据,计算未知点近似高程,构建误差方程,同时通过编辑代码, 来进行矩阵运算,从而解算出误差方程,求得水准网的未知点的高程最或然值并 评定精度,最终将平差结果输出并存储。70788

平差程序界面友好,操作简便,并用实例验证了平差计算的正确性和软件运 行的稳定性,程序便于掌握和使用,具有一定的实用性。

本论文有图片 15 幅,表格 9 个,参考文献 10 篇。

毕业论文关键词:水准网 间接平差 Visual Basic6.0 程序

Program Design of Leveling Network Adjustment

Abstract This design chooses Visual Basic 6.0 software as the development platform, and use the model of adjustment by observation equation. According to the principle of least squares, it can achieve the automatic flat difference calculation of leveling network data . According to features of location between the level points, the data which is known or unknown and the correspondence between observed data. We can edit data organization structure, and store it in a text file. We can realize the function of reading leveling network observation data from the text file, calculating the unknown point approximate elevation and constructing error equation automatically by editing code in Visual Basic 6.0 software. At the same time, we can carry out the matrix operation and solve the error equation through editing the code, as well as to obtain the most probable value of elevation of the unknown point in the leveling network and measure precision. Finally, the adjustment result will be outputted and stored in text file.

The interface of adjustment program is friendly and easy to operate, what is more, we have used examples to verify the accuracy of adjustment calculation and the stability of the software, the program is easy to grasp and use, which has a certain practicality.

This paper has 15 figures, 9 tables, 10 references.

Key  Words:  Leveling  network Adjustment  by  observation  equation Visual- Basic6.0 Program


Abstract II


图清单 IV

表清单 IV

1 绪论 1

1.1 目的与意义 1

1.2 研究内容 1

2 间接平差 3

2.1 间接平差原理 3

2.2 精度评定 5

2.3 水准网的间接平差原理 6

3 水准网间接平差程序设计 VB水准网平差计算程序设计:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_80177.html
