The scale of the design for the sodium polyacrylate is1000 tons per year,according to 330 days a year,2 shift a day, 8 working hours a shift, they can produce two batches in a shift, the yield of each batch is 773.04kg. Then mentioned safety production standardization and the measure of environmental protection.
Professor XuChunHua, guiding by the director originally, had submitted a lot of valuable and positive suggestions, had helped me to raise the design mass. Here, I express my sincere thanks to them. Throughout the design process, I had a comprehensive understanding of their production process. According to my professional knowledge, combined with the learning experience, flexible application, laid a basis for future work related.
Because of the wide range of knowledge of the design of Polyacrylate sodium process, and my knowledge and experience is limited. So having design errors and anything wrong with that, I urge marking teacher criticism.
1 前言 1
2 聚丙烯酸钠的概述 1
2.1 聚丙烯酸钠性能 2
2.2 聚丙烯酸钠的分类 2
2.2.1 低分子量聚丙烯酸钠 2
2.2.2 高分子量聚丙烯酸钠 3
2.3 聚丙烯酸钠的应用 3
2.4 聚丙烯酸钠国内外发展状况及发展前景 4
3 聚丙烯酸钠生产工艺 6
3.1 聚丙烯酸钠的聚合方法 6
3.1.1 水溶液聚合 6
3.1.2 反相乳液聚合 6
3.1.3 微波法 6
3.1.4 辐射聚合 7
3.1.5 反相悬浮聚合 7
4 聚合过程中工艺条件的确定 8
4.1 分散剂及其助分散剂对分子量的影响 8
4.2 引发体系的选择及其浓度对分子量的影响 8
4.3 交联剂对分子量的影响 9
4.4 单体浓度对分子量的影响 9
4.5 聚合温度对分子量的影响 10
4.6 聚合升温控制对聚合稳定性的影响 10
4.7 搅拌转速的影响 11
4.8 中和度的选取 11
4.9 分离方法的选择 12
4.10 干燥方法的选择 12
5 聚丙烯酸钠的生产工艺 13
5.1 生产工艺 13
5.2 生产原料以产品指标 14
6 工艺衡算 14
6.1 物料衡算 14
6.2 热量衡算 18
6.2.1 配碱工序 19
6.2.2 中和工序 20
6.2.3 聚合反应工序 21
7 设备选型 23
7.1 釜的选择 23
7.1.1 配碱釜的选择 23
7.1.2 中和反应釜的选择 25
7.1.3 分散介质调配釜的选择 26
7.1.4 聚合反应釜的选取 28
7.1.5 釜体夹套尺寸的确定 30 年产1000吨聚丙烯酸钠车间工艺设计(2):