A Status surver of The Interaction between teachers and young children in Kindergarten language education
----take A Normal School in Kaifeng for example
Abstract :In the activities of Kindergarten language education , the interaction between teachers and young children is the key to children’s thinking and imagination t ,and it is the core part of early childhood education. In this paper, we studies further of the status of the child interaction in language education by observation of a Normal School in Kaifeng, from it we find some problems, such as the teacher did not put the children as the main event during the interactive process,a relatively low frequency of interaction, an unreasonable design of interactive content . And then make some recommendations for this situation, such as putting the young children as the main activities truly ,improving teachers' professional skills, creating a positive language environment.
Key words: Kindergarten ; language education ;the interaction between teachers and young children
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract . 1
一、幼儿园语言教育活动中师幼互动的现状调查 2
(一)互动的频率 2
(二)互动的主体 3
(三)互动的内容 4
(四)互动的方式 5
二、影响幼儿园语言教育活动中师幼互动的因素 6
(一)教师忽略了幼儿在师幼互动的中的主体地位 6
(二)教师的专业技能和素质薄弱 6
(三)教师未能给幼儿创造出促进语言发展的积极互动环境 7
三、改善幼儿园语言教育活动中师幼互动的建议 8
(一)真正把幼儿当作活动主体,创造师幼互动的坚实基础 8
(二)提高教师专业技能,保障师幼互动的专业基础 8
(三)创设积极的语言环境,营造师幼互动的良好氛围 9
参考文献 11
附录 12
致谢 13
幼儿教育越来越被重视,但是在幼儿园教育过程中,由于诸多方面的原因,出现了大量违背幼儿发展规律的教育现象,其典型现象就是幼儿园教育的小学化[1]。一些不懂幼儿教育规律的人担任园长或者教师,只凭借固有的观念或者以往的经验去做事,把小学的教学模式照搬到幼儿园来,忽视儿童主体性活动的展开,尤其在语言发展方面,这是幼儿园教育的五大领域之一,对于幼儿日后的成长至关重要,但是,如果仅仅采取老师授课,幼儿被动听课的手段,明显违背幼儿教育规律。所以采用互动的语言教学方式解决这一问题就显得尤为重要。所谓师幼互动,就是教师和幼儿在课堂教学情景中发生的具有促进性和抑制性的相互作用或影响,它是师幼关系在教学情景中的具体化,是师幼之间的动态发展过程[2]。教师必须根据幼儿的活动表现不断地调整自己的教学策略和教学方式,而幼儿也在与教师的沟通、对话、交流与合作中得到了发展。在此过程中,以往教师主导,学生被导,教师传授学生知识时教师为主体学生为客体的师生关系也开始被一种双主体的师生关系所代替,即认为教学过程是教师与幼儿两个主体以游戏活动为主渠道展开的持续不断的交往对话过程,是两个主体生命体验不断展开的人格实现过程。 幼儿园语言教育活动中师幼互动的现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_11682.html