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时间:2019-06-25 19:56来源:毕业论文

Study on the current situation of carrying out paper-cutting activities in kindergarten
-- take S kindergarten as an example
Abstract: Paper-cutting activity can cultivate children's ability and cultivate children's aesthetic ability and ability of beauty and creation. In this paper, through the observation and literature review method, based on the current situation of S kindergarten paper-cutting activities, mainly from the paper-cutting of the materials used, the choice of paper-cutting themes, paper-cutting method selection and organization of paper-cutting activities such as multiple point of view to analyze the current situation, and analyzed the deficiency and the reasons. On this basis, the kindergarten paper-cutting activities to carry out the education of reasonable Suggestions: kindergarten leader by adequate capital, founded paper-cutting competition, set up a design studio; Kindergarten teachers' learning all kinds of paper-cut, dare to innovation and challenge, a hero to parent-child paper-cutting exhibition, combined with the parents.
Keywords:   Kindergarten; Paper-cutting activities;Carrying out;Research status
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract:    1
一、幼儿园剪纸活动开展的价值    2
(一)有利于培养幼儿的动手能力    2
(二)有利于提高幼儿的审美能力    2
(三)有利于发展幼儿的创新能力    2
(四)有利于增强幼儿的合作能力    3
二、幼儿园剪纸活动开展的现状分析    3
(一)剪纸的材料使用    3
(二)剪纸主题的选择    4
(三)剪纸方法的选择    6
(四)剪纸活动过程的组织    6
三、幼儿园剪纸活动存在的问题及原因分析    7
(一)幼儿园剪纸活动存在的问题分析    7
(二)幼儿园剪纸活动存在问题的原因分析    8
四、幼儿园剪纸活动合理运用的教育建议    9
(一)幼儿园方面    9
(二)教师方面    10
参考文献    11
附录Ⅰ    12
附录Ⅱ    13
致谢    14
为深入贯彻《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》和《省政府关于加快学前教育改革发展的意见》,S幼儿园根据幼儿的实际情况,开展了一系列具有实践性的剪纸教学活动,旨在培养幼儿的动手能力和创造性思文。本文通过研究此系列剪纸活动的开展,观察幼儿园剪纸活动开展的现状,分析幼儿是否逐步认识和了解了剪纸艺术的基本技能和方法,是否激发幼儿积极动手、动脑的兴趣,是否培养幼儿的创新性。笔者在实习期间进行了一系列具体客观的观察,发现S幼儿园剪纸活动的开展现状存在一定问题,所以笔者对其进行分析,为S幼儿园剪纸活动合理开展提出教育建议。 幼儿园剪纸活动开展的现状研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_35171.html