毕业论文关键词:大学生 社交回避 苦恼 安全感
Research on the Social Avoidance, Distress and Sense of Security of College Students
This research adopts SAD and SQ to test 300 college students in Jiangsu Normal University in Xuzhou with the aim of studying the relationship between social avoidance and distress and sense of security of college students. The results are as follows:(1) The average score of each dimension of social avoidance and distress is higher than that of the normal model and the situation of social avoidance and distress is in the middle and higher level. (2) The gender has a significant impact on the social avoidance and distress of college students. What is more, the social avoidance and distress of girls are higher than that of boys. (3) The scores of college students with different grades and major categories are significantly different in terms of the sense of security. (4) Interpersonal security is significantly and negatively correlated with the social avoidance and social distress. Determination of the sense of control is significantly and negatively correlated with the social avoidance and social distress. (5) The sense of security has the effect of negative prediction for social avoidance and distress.
Key words: College students Social avoidance Distress Sense of security
摘要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
表清单 4
1 前言 5
2 相关研究 5
2.1 国内研究 5
2.2 国外研究 6
2.3 测量工具 6
3 研究主题及假设 7
3.1 研究主题 7
3.2 研究假设 7
4 研究内容与方法 7
4.1对象与方法 7
5 结果 9
5. 1 大学生社交回避及苦恼和安全感得分和情况 9
5.2 大学生社交回避及苦恼的人口统计学特征分析 9
5.3 大学生安全感的人口统计学特征分析 10
5.4大学生社交回避及苦恼与安全感的相关分析 10
5.5大学生社交回避及苦恼与安全感的回归分析 11
6 讨论 11
6.1 大学生社交回避及苦恼和安全感的总体情况分析 11
6.2 大学生社交回避及苦恼在性别上的差异分析 11
6.3 年级和专业类别在大学生安全感得分的差异分析 大学生社交回避及苦恼与安全感的相关研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_44226.html