摘 要:教学从来都不是无情物。中学思想政治课作为青少年思想品德教育的主阵地,既是知识的传授过程,也是情感的渗透和培养过程。中学思想政治课的重要目标就是让学生通过所学知识引发情感态度的积极变化。因此,我们必须在思想政治课中注重情感教学,以便达更好地实现教学目标,而当下,我国中学思想政治课中大量存在重认知、轻情感,重升学率、轻思维品质等问题,情感教学并没有得到应有的关注。因此,我们应该遵循科学的原则和方法,以充分发挥思想政治教育的作用,帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。69727
Study on the problems and Countermeasures of emotional teaching in middle school ideological and Political Education
Abstract: Teaching has never been a heartless thing. Middle school ideological and political course as the main position of Youth Ideological and moral education is not only the teaching process of knowledge, but also the process of infiltration and cultivation of emotion. The important goal of Ideological and political lesson in middle school is to let the students get the positive change of the emotion attitude through the knowledge. Therefore, we must pay attention to emotional teaching in Ideological and political course, in order to achieve a better to achieve the teaching goal, but for the moment the ideology and politics lesson of Middle School of our country there are a lot of cognitive, emotional, heavy entrance rate, light thinking quality problems, emotional teaching did not get the attention it deserves. Therefore, we should follow the scientific principles and methods in order to give full play to the role of Ideological and political education, help students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.
Key Words: Middle school ideological and political lesson; Emotional Teaching; Principles; Strategies
日本教育专家金井肇说过这样一段话:“如今有很多年轻人都感染了一种叫‘无力感动’的疾病,他们面对感人的事情总是会产生怀疑。他们拒绝感动,更排斥流泪。”日本青少年如此,在我国中小学生中,“冷漠”现象也并不少见。 中学思想政治课中情感教学问题及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_78728.html