关键词 AT89S51 L298N RS-232串口通讯 步进电机 关节机械手
Title The design of a manipulator for an eight-legged robot
This is a simple design of a manipulator for all-terrain eight-legged robot based on AT89S51. It includes mechanical structure design of manipulator,electric control system hardware and relative software. The manipulator is comprised of three joints and a paw. They are controlled by stepping motors due to the positioning accuracy requirement. The manipulator electric control system adopts a two-level control mode. A PC is used as the upper computer and the AT89S51 as the lower computer. The PC calculates each motor’s working parameters through an algorithm,and then send control signals to AT89S51 using RS-232 serial interface, then the I/O of AT89S52 generates control pulses, these pulses should be amplified by the L298N to control rotation speed and direction of the step motors. The whole system has a simple structure, high reliability, low cost. Test results indicate that the designed manipulator system can achieve the above functions.
Keywords: AT89S51 L298N RS-232 Stepper motor Manipulator
目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1 机器人概述 3
1.2 移动机械手研究背景和现状… 3
1.3 移动机械手的发展方向和趋势 4
1.4 论文简介及论文所做的工作… 5
2 机械手整体机械结构设计… 6
2.1 自由度及关节… 6
2.2 基座及连杆 6
2.2.1 基座 6
2.2.2 腰部 7
2.2.3 手臂 7
2.2.4 手腕 8
2.2.5 手爪 8
2.3 驱动方式… 8
2.3.1 步进电机基本介绍11
2.3.2 步进电机选型12
2.4 传动方式…14
2.4.1 减速比的确定14
2.4.2传动方式的确定… 14
3 电控系统硬件设计17
3.1 整体方案设计…17
3.2 单片机选择和介绍…18
3.3 驱动芯片的选择 22
3.4 串口通讯模块设计… 23
3.5 小结… 25
4 软件设计 26
4.1 上位机软件设计 26
4.1.1 上位机界面实现步骤… 26
4.1.2 串口通讯模块程序设计 27
4.1.3 各电机控制信号的算法 29
4.1.4 操作方式 31
4.2 下位机软件设计 32
4.2.1 下位机串口通讯模块… 32
4.2.2 下位机步进电机控制实现… 35
4.3 整个系统软件流程图… 38
5 系统调试 41
5.1 实际调试硬件设施介绍… 41
5.2 调试实际结果分析… 42
5.3 调试过程中遇到的问题及解决方案 43 AT89S51单片机全地形八足机器人机械手的设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_2398.html