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时间:2020-05-24 09:19来源:毕业论文





This paper presents a soil moisture speed measuring instrument of low cost, high accuracy, good stability and strong adaptivity, based on standing-wave ratio theory. Through theoretical analysis of dielectric physics, it proposes a equivalent circuit of soil moisture dielectric measurement and the best test frequency. On this basis, it builds the structure of soil moisture transducer; And it builds the characteristic impedance mathematical model of soil moisture probe, through calculates the characteristic impedance of transmission line. In order to get the input (soil moisture content)/output (voltage)static mathematical model of soil moisture impedance, it designs soil column test plan and explores the sensitivity of transducer to soil types, soil bulk density,and soil salinity. 

The large capacity micro controller STC12C5A60S, four serial LCD monitor EDM1990A.communication interface MAX232.fast charging management chip charging management chip MAX712 (to intelligent charging the NiMH batteries) as a core part of the hardware, supporting the use of the sensor and complete information measurement, display, transmission and storage. On above, the instrument has simple structure, convenient measurement and it is easy to application. 

keywords:Standing-Wave Ratio;Transducer;Transmission Line;Micro Controller STC12C5A60S2        

目  录

第一章  绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 各种土壤水分测量方法总览 1

1.2.1 烘干法 1

1.2.2 张力计法 2

1.2.3 中子仪法 2

1.2.4 红外法 2

1.2.5 电阻法 2

1.2.6 时域反射法(TDR) 2

1.2.7 频域反射法(FDR) 3

1.2.8 驻波比法(SWR) 3

1.3 本文主要研究内容 3

第二章  SWR型土壤水分传感器的测量原理 4

2.1 引言 4

2.2 介电法测量土壤含水率的理论分析 4

2.2.1 土壤水分介电测量的等效电路 5

2.2.2 土壤水分介电测量的频域分析 7

2.2.3 确定最佳测试频率 11

2.3 基于驻波比原理的土壤水分测量法 STC12C5A60S2土壤水分速测仪的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_52542.html
