关键词 高管权力 股权激励效果 上市公司
Title The Effect of Managerial Power on the Equity Incentive Effect
In this paper, we choose from 2007 to 2013 that first announcement of equity incentive plans of listed companies as the research sample in China, using descriptive statistics and empirical regression to analysis of executive power, that influence the equity incentive effect. The study found that the higher the proportion of the company executives, the higher the proportion of the board of directors, the smaller the board of directors and the more dispersed the equity of executives, the better the incentive effect of executives. This also shows that the greater the executive power, the better the equity incentive effect. This study helps to theoretically clarify the senior executives of equity incentive of self-interest behavior. In practice, it can help to the regulators to further standardize the formulation and implementation of the equity incentive plan, guide listed companies to gradually improve the corporate governance mechanism, play a supervisory role in the corporate governance mechanism in equity incentive plan formulation, limiting executive the power of self-interest behavior.
Keywords Managerial Power; Equity Incentive Effect; Listing Corporation
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究思路和结构安排 2
1.3 研究方法 3
2 理论分析和文献综述 5
2.1 相关概念 5
2.2 委托代理理论 7
2.3 管理层权力理论 7
2.4 文献综述 8
3 研究设计 11
3.1 理论分析与假设 11
3.2 研究样本及数据来源 11
3.3 变量选取 12
3.4 模型构建 14
4 实证检验及分析 15
4.1 描述性统计及分析 15
4.2 相关性分析 16
4.3 多元回归分析 17
4.4 稳健性检验 19
5 研究结论与建议 20
5.1 研究结论 20
5.2 建议 20
5.3 本文研究不足 25
结 论 26
致 谢 27
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
无论是在管理学或是经济学领域,高管激励等相关问题一直都被学者们所关注。在计划经济条件下,政府都是按照事先计划去调配资源,导致提供给高管的激励未能很好地作用于改善经济效益的决策管理,可见,缺少行之有效的激励制度是计划经济失败的原因之一。在当今这经济腾飞的时代,企业要想获得核心竞争力,占有较高的市场份额,高级管理人员的作用不容忽视。因此,为了能够充分将高管人员的主动性和积极性发挥出来,企业有必要建立一套有效的激励体系。从而调动市场经济中的每个因子,使其焕发出该有的活力和生机。 高管权力对股权激励效果的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_21473.html