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时间:2021-03-30 21:54来源:毕业论文



关键词  企业社会责任、信息可信度、评价指标、评价体系


毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

Title    The information reliability research of Corporation Society Responsibility                               

Abstract In present, the global economic developed rapidly and economic globalization becomes a trend of the future. A large number of enterprises pursuit excessively the maximize profit and ignore the result of a variety of social, economic and ecological problems, etc. But with the change of the economic growth mode, the enterprise gradually realized the importance of corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility reports have sprung up quickly in the public eye. But how to assess the credibility of the corporate social responsibility is the basic premise of properly evaluating completion of a firm's social responsibility fulfillment.

The article looks for credibility evaluation indexes of corporate social responsibility information to establishing an appropriate evaluation system for public people, mainly by referring to domestic and international research published in the literature and disclosed company's corporate social responsibility report

Keywords  Corporate social responsibility、information credibility、evaluation index、evaluation system


1 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 5

1.3 我国CSR报告披露可信度现状 6

2 企业社会责任可信度相关概念及理论 8

2.1可信度及相关概念 8

2.2 企业社会责任信息可信度影响因素 8

3  CSR报告可信度评价体系 10

3.1 报告披露形式 10

3.2 报告披露内容 11

3.3 报告编制过程 13

3.4 其他 14

4  实例分析 15

4.1 样本企业的基本情况 15

4.2 企业CSR报告披露形式分析 17

4.3 企业CSR报告披露内容分析 24

4.4企业 CSR报告编制过程分析 28

4.5CSR报告可信度结果分析 32

5.提高CSR报告可信度的建议 36

5.1 对报告发布企业的建议 36

5.2 对我国政府的建议 37

5.3 对利益相关方的建议 企业社会责任信息的可信度研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_72219.html
