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时间:2019-01-08 15:44来源:毕业论文

摘要:本课题旨在将东方传统杂粮融入西方传统点心,二者相结合研制出新口的玛芬蛋糕。由单因素实验结合响应面分析确定燕麦马芬蛋糕的最优配方为(焙烤百分比):燕麦粉20%,低筋小麦粉80%,白砂糖45%,黄油50%,纯牛奶30%,泡打粉1%。燕麦马芬蛋糕硬度、感官评分对燕麦粉比例、黄油添加量、白砂糖添加量的二次多项式回归方程为:Y1 (硬度预测值)=3189.04+72.76A-18.24B-17.54C+43.39AB+16.39AC- 38.97BC-96.68A2-71.31B2-94.04C2,Y2 (感官评分预测值)=27.39+1.13A+0.000B-0.14C+ 1.11AB+16AC-1.48 BC-1.47A2-1.41B2-1.49C2。蜜红豆的制作方式为室温浸泡24h;蒸煮1h后浸糖浓度为50%,室温浸泡15min;蜜红豆添加量为面糊重量的6%。此条件下制作出的燕麦红豆马芬蛋糕,口感松软,甜度合适,蜜红豆与燕麦马芬蛋糕的风融合。32417
Research and Development of Oat Muffin Containing Red Beans
Abstract:This paper aims to integrate oriental traditional grains into the Western cake, to develop a new flavor cupcake. By single factor experiments and response surface analysis, the optimal formula for oat muffin was determined as (baked percentage): 20% of oat flour, low-gluten flour 80%, sugar 45%, butter 50%, milk 30%, baking powder 1%. The oat muffin hardness, sensory score of two multinomial regression equation for the proportion of oat flour, the amount of butter, and the amount of sugar was as follows respectively: Y1(hardnessapredictedavalue)=3189.04+72.76A-18.24B-17.54C+43.39AB+16.39AC-38.97 BC-96.68A2-71.31B2-94.04C2, Y2(sensoryascoreapredictedavalue)=27.39+1.13A+0.000B- 0.14C+1.11AB+16AC-1.48BC-1.47A2-1.41B2-1.49C2. Red beans were soaked at room temperature for 24h, and then were cooked for 1h, and after that were dipped into a 50% sugar solution at room temperature for 15min. The sugared red beans were added to make oat muffins with a dosage of 6% oat muffin batter. Under the above said conditions, an oat muffin containing red beans was produced, with a soft texture, appropriate sweetness, a good integration of oat muffin and red beans.
Key Words:red bean;oat;muffin
目 录
1 引言    1
1.1 燕麦及其开发应用    1
1.1.1 燕麦米及燕麦粉    1
1.1.2 燕麦蛋糕    2
1.2 红小豆及其开发应用    2
1.2.1 红小豆的营养保健功能    2
1.2.2 红小豆的开发应用    2
1.2.3 蜜红豆的制作    3
1.3 玛芬蛋糕    3
1.4 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义    4
2 材料与方法    6
2.1 实验材料    6
2.2 实验仪器    6
2.3 实验方法    7
2.3.1 燕麦粉的制备    7
2.3.2 蜜红豆的制备    7
2.3.3 玛芬蛋糕的制作    7
2.3.4 玛芬蛋糕的感官评价    7
2.3.5 面糊比重的测定    8
2.3.6 玛芬蛋糕的质构测定    8
2.3.7 红小豆吸水率的测定    9
2.3.8 蛋白质、脂肪、水分的测定    9
3 结果与讨论    10
3.1 燕麦粉与小麦粉配比的确定    10
3.1.1 燕麦粉比例对混粉化学组成的影响    10
3.1.2 燕麦粉比例对蛋糕质构、感官品质的影响    11
3.2 白砂糖添加量对燕麦蛋糕品质的影响    12
3.2.1 白砂糖添加量对蛋糕质构的影响    12
3.2.2 白砂糖添加量对感官品质的影响    13
3.3 黄油添加量对燕麦蛋糕制作及品质的影响    13
3.3.1 黄油添加量对蛋糕面糊比重的影响    13 燕麦红豆马芬蛋糕的研制:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_28984.html