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时间:2018-03-20 11:17来源:毕业论文

Investigation of Specialized Gymnastics Teaching
---- taking Zhoukou Normal University as an example
Abstract:Research using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics and other research methods, on the current situation of Zhoukou Normal University sports gymnastics teaching, has carried on the thorough careful investigation and analysis, the survey results showed that: teachers, students like gymnastics,equipment and facilities are available, the teaching contents, purpose, and methods can help students accept,and combined with the actual teaching situation of sports professional investigation and deeper research on Teachers' teaching and students' learning two. Through investigation and research, has certain theoretical guidance to promote the status of Gymnastics Teaching of Physical Education College of physical education, provide suggestions and Countermeasures for the development of gymnastics Teaching in Institute of physical education.
Keywords: Zhoukou normal university; physical education;gymnastics teaching present situation: analysis and countermeasures
目    录

摘    要    1
引言    2
1研究对象与方法    2
1.1研究对象    2
1.2研究方法    2
2结果与分析    3
2.1教师基本情况    3
2.2体育专业体操教学现状    4
2.3体操设施现状    10
3结论与建议    11
3.1结论    11
3.2建议    11
参考文献    13
附件    14
致谢    16
体操是我国体育教育的一个重要组成部分,它内容丰富、形式多样、易于普及,在各级各类学校体育教学内容中占有重要地位,也是普通高校体育教育专业的主干课程之一。它包含了走、跑、跳跃、攀爬、翻转、支撑、悬垂和摆动等多种基本的身体活动形式,对增强青少年体质;提高力量、灵敏、柔韧、协调等身体素质和发展各种基本活动能力,改善学生身体的基本形态和培养正确的身体姿势,促进身体的正常发育和各器官系统的协调发展,增强在各种环境下的自我保护能力;培养顽强、勇敢、进取的意志品质有着十分重要的作用和意义,对全面培养和提高学生能力,对学生专业知识的形成与发展,起着重要的作用。进入二十一世纪,随着实施素质教育的全面推进、全民健身计划的深入开展与普及,“终身体育”、“健康第一’’思想的提出与贯彻,社会对体育人才的培养赋予了更多、更高、更新的要求。鉴于这一客观现实,近几年来我国体操教学界从更新思想、转变观念入手,在教学思想、教学模式和教学方法等许多方面进行了改革尝试,并取得了一定的成效。对体育专业体操教学现状进行分析研究,找出存在的问题,为促进体育专业体操教学提供一定的理论依据和相应的对策。 体育专业体操教学开展现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_11355.html