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时间:2021-05-13 20:48来源:毕业论文

摘 要:我国学生的体质健康一直得到国家的重视,从1954年《准备劳动与卫国体育制度暂行条例》的颁布至今,中国学生体质测试的发展已有60年的历史。为了分析出我所实习学校初三学生的体质健康状况,特地从学校选调出部分初三学生体质测试的数据。以2014年与2013年共400名学生的体质测试数据来进行对比。本文通过问卷调查、文献资料法、比较分析法、数理分析法等形式,对学生的身体形态、心肺耐力、肌肉力量数据进行对比研究,分析出淮安市清江中学初三学生的体质健康,得出2014年学生与2013年学生相比在身高没有多大差异,但是体重却在增长,所以导致2014年初三学生的BMI指数高于2013年初三的学生;随着生活改善,学生的营养水平不断提高,学生的体重不断上升,但是2014年学生的肺活量却明显低于2013年学生;2014年初三学生的各项指数中除了立定跳远与女生一分钟仰卧起坐有提升外,其他均低于2013年的学生,所以2014年的学生应多加强体育锻炼等结论。并根据结论提出可实施的方案,通过比较还可为各级教育部门提供详实的数据,使之进一步了解该学校学生的体质健康状况,采取及时的干预政策。66979


Abstract: To the health of the students in our country has always been the country's attention, from 1954 "preparing the Interim Regulations on labor and Patriotic Sports System enacted so far, Chinese students' physical fitness test has been 60 years of history. In order to analyze my internship school grade students of physical health status, specially from the school transferring a part of the third student physique test data. A comparison of 400 students' physical fitness tests with 2014 and 2013. This article through the questionnaire survey, literature, comparative analysis, mathematical analysis, comparative study on body shape, cardiopulmonary endurance, muscle strength of the students data, analysis of Huaian Qingjiang city junior middle school students' physical health, the students and students in 2013 compared to 2014 in height and there is not much difference, but the weight but in the growth, so in 2014 the third year student BMI index higher than in 2013, with the third of the students improve the quality of life, constantly improve the students' nutritional level, the weight of students is rising, but in 2014 the students' vital capacity was significantly lower than that in the index in 2013 2014, the students of middle school students in addition to standing long jump with girls, one minute sit ups to enhance outside, other students were lower than that in 2013 2014, so students should strengthen physical exercise and other conclusions, and put forward the implementation of the program according to the conclusion, through the comparison can also provide detailed data for the education departments at all levels, to further understand the physical health of the students, take timely intervention policy.

Key words: middle school students, physical health, physical exercise

目 录




1.2研究方法………………………………………………………………4 淮安市清江中学初三学生体质健康测试的研究与分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_75048.html
