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时间:2021-05-07 21:37来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文以淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育场设施现状研究对象,通过文献资料法、实地调查法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,对淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育场地设施现状进行调查。通过调查及研究表明,淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育运动场地设施缺乏,室内场地设施缺乏严重。体育运动场地设施利用率不高,利用率在各类场地分布不均。体育运动场地管理运营情况与市直中学相差很多,体育场地设施开放率较低。因此,本文将对学校体育场地设施现状出现的问题,提出相应的对策,对相关学校部门提出合理建议。66843


Abstract: In this paper, the villages in huaiyin District of Huaian city junior high school sportsfacilities as the research object, through the literature material method, field survey method, expert interview method, mathematical statistics method, carries on the investigation to the present situation of junior middle school sports venues and facilities in rural areas of huaiyin  District of Huaian city.Studies have shown that rural junior high schools of huaiyin  district  are lack of sports facilities, especially indoor facilities. The facility utilization of Sports is not high and average .Management operations of sports venue have loopholes compared with developed countries vary, and sports facilities opening rate is low.As a result, the school should pay attention to increase the construction of sports facilities construction and using rate, especially indoor facilities. Schools should give full consideration to the school sports facilities situation, and adjust measures to local conditions to develop the teaching plan, and taking consideration into  student sports interest, should make full use of the existing sports facilities in schools. At the appropriate time, schools should open school sports facilities, to improve the utilization rate of the school sports facilities, and meet the needs of the mass fitness.

Keywords: huaiyin  district of  Huaian; Rural Junior High Schools; Sports Facilities; Survey and Analysis

目 录

1.前言 4

2.研究对象和方法 4

2.1研究对象 4

2.2研究方法 4

2.2.1文献资料法 4

2.2.2实地调查法 4

2.2.3访谈法 4

2.2.4问卷调查法 5问卷的设计 5问卷的发放与回收 5问卷的信度效度检 5

2.2.5逻辑分析法 5

2.2.6数理统计法 5

3.结果与分析 5

3.1淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育运动场地总体概况 6

3.1.1淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育运动场地种类和分布 6

3.1.2淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育室内室外体育场地设施情况 7

3.2淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育运动场地使用情况现状调查况 7

3.2.1体育教师对体育场地利用情况现状调查 7

3.2.2学生课外活动体育场地使用现状调查 淮安市淮阴区乡镇初级中学体育场地设施现状调查及分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_74883.html
