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时间:2021-05-24 23:10来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着经济社会的发展和科学技术水平的提升,人们的精神文化生活日益丰富,体育运动作为一个国家和民族精神力量的支撑,在人们不断追求和平的年代中发挥了重要的作用和价值。新形势下,篮球运动获得大发展,并投入到国际大家庭中,而对于篮球裁判员而言也面临着日益严峻的挑战,由于竞赛环境、参与程度、篮球规则等方面都发生了很大变化,对裁判临场吹判能力提出了更高的要求,经分析表明,影响篮球裁判员临场心理因素的稳定性主要包括比赛因素、社会因素、环境因素和技术因素等,本文针对我校30位篮球裁判员的临场心理因素进行研究,通过文献研究法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法等做出了相关分析,了解到影响大学生篮球裁判员临场判罚的心理因素,总结得出了增强大学生篮球裁判员临场判罚心理素质的策略,并为篮球事业的进一步发展提供借鉴。67379



Abstract:Along with economic and social development and the promotion of science and technology, people's spiritual and cultural life has become increasingly rich, sports as a nation and the national spirit force of support, in the pursuit of peace in people s play an important role and value. Get great development under the new situation, the basketball movement, and into the international community, and for the basketball referees are also facing increasingly severe challenges, because the competition environment, participation, great changes have taken place in such aspects as the basketball rules, the referee must blow to ability put forward higher request, the analysis shows that influence the stability of the basketball referees on-the-spot psychological factors mainly include the competition factors, social factors, environmental factors and technical factors, this paper on the research and analysis on the basketball referees on-the-spot psychological factors, and provide reference for the further development of basketball career. 

Keywords:basketball,the referee, psychological factors

目   录

1引言 4

2研究对象和方法 4

2.1研究对象 4

2.2研究方法 4

2.2.1文献研究法 4

2.2.2专家访谈法 4

2.2.3问卷调查法 5

3裁判员执法比赛基本情况 5

3.1裁判员执法比赛基本情况分析 5

3.2影响篮球裁判员临场心理因素的分析 5

3.2.1 篮球裁判员临场执法中主观因素对心理状态的影响 7

3.2.2 篮球裁判员临场执法中客观因素对心理状态的影响 9

4 增强篮球裁判员临场心理素质的策略 10

4.1熟悉掌握篮球竞赛规则和裁判员手册 10

4.2增强自信心 10

4.3加强抗干扰能力,稳定情绪 11

4.4加强反应能力锻炼 11

4.5多参与实践并善于总结 11

结  论 13

参 考 文 献 影响篮球裁判员临场心理因素的分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_75537.html
