    毕业论文通过一步法制备 Ag2S纳米晶。扫描电镜等多种表征方法证明所制得的纳米晶为结晶性及单分散性良好的 Ag2S 纳米晶,粒径分布在 10nm 左右。而后本文利用旋涂的方法制作 Ag2S 纳米晶薄膜器件并测试其电学性能。I-V 测试结果表明所制得的阻变器件具有很高的高低阻值比,高达 200 倍。同时,该器件具有较低的操作电压,良好的循坏稳定性和数据保留性,具有很大的应用前景。最后尝试提出其阻变机理,为进一步提高器件的性能提供更多的理论依据。 20876
    关键词  阻变存储器 硫化银纳米晶 阻变机理 单分散 忆阻效应 
    Title  Two-dimensional semiconductor of sulfide-based Resistive
    With the rise of mobile intelligent products, mobile information storage
    technology is becoming one of the important research fields of information
    technology.  On account of the simple structure,low cost and excellent
    performance of resistive random access memory(RRAM),it has become the popular
    candidate to displace Si-based flash memory.This paper  prepared  two
    -dimensional film devices which have resistive switching effect by using
    sufide semiconductor,and we studied its switching performance. 
    The papper prepared  Ag2S  nanocrystal by one-step method.  Varieties  of
    characterization methods,such as scanning electron microscope,have proved the
    sample’s great crystalline and  monodisperse  ,which has an average grain size
    of 10nm.Then we fabricate nanocrystalline Ag2S thin-film device by using 
    spin-coating and test the electrical properties.The result of I-V test shows
    that the radio of HRS to LRS of prepared resistive device is as high as
    200.Simultaneusly ,this device shows a  great application prospect  because of
    its low operating voltage  ,great stability  and data  retention
    characteristics.In the end,  we  try to propose the resistive switching
    mechanism  in order to provide more  theoretical basis  to further improve 
    performance of the devive.
    Keywords      resistive random access memory(RRAM);  Ag2S nanocrystals;  
    resistive mechanism; monodisperse; resistance effect                                
     目  次
    1 绪论   1
    1.1  引言   1
    1.2  阻变存储器概述   2
    1.2.1 阻变存储层的材料   3
    1.2.2 现有阻变主要机理模型   5
    1.3  本论文研究意义及内容   6
    1.3.1 本研究意义   6
    1.3.2 论文研究内容   7
    2 实验制备方法与原理性   8
    2.1  材料制备与表征方法   8
    2.1.1 阻变层薄膜材料的制备   8
    2.1.2 材料表征方法   9
    2.2  器件组装   10
    2.2.1 衬底的清洗   10
    2.2.2 阻变层的制备   10
    2.2.3 蒸镀电极   10
    2.3  本章小结  11
    3 单分散 Ag2S 纳米晶的制备与表征    12
    3.1 单分散Ag2S 纳米晶实验合成  .  12
    3.2  测试与表征   13
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