    摘要本文简述了铁尾矿堆积产生的环境危害和铁尾矿的主要利用渠道以及用铁尾矿烧结的陶粒的性能和面临的问题,也对铁尾矿的成分和烧结陶粒的工艺进行了研究。对铁尾矿进行全分析和XRD衍射图谱的分析,确定其主要物质组成和含量。通过几组原料不同的配比方案在不同烧成温度和保温时间下的膨胀率、吸水率、颗粒硬度、堆积密度等性能进行了分析和研究。通过体式显微镜拍摄的断口的照片,对陶粒内部气孔率和致密度进行了分析。实验结果表明烧成温度1210℃,配比为铁尾矿:石英粉:粉煤灰=3:3:4,保温时间 15min 时,烧结陶粒具有最佳的抗压强度等性能。20877
    Title:The preparation of sintering ceramsite iron tailings using research
    This paper introduces the environmental hazards of iron tailings accumulation and the
    use channels of iron taillings,including using performance of the iron tailings
    sintering ceramsite and the problem which are faced with. It also do research on the
    composition and sintering ceramsite of iron taillings technology.The analysis of iron
    tailings and the analysis of the XRD diffraction pattern, determine the main
    composition and content of iron taillings.Through several groups of raw material ratio
    of different scheme under different sintering temperature and holding time,the
    properties of expansion rate, water absorption, grain hardness, bulk density and other
    properties are analyzed and studied.Through several groups of raw material ratio of
    different scheme through postures microscope photos of the fracture, the ceramsite
    internal porosity and density are analyzed.Experimental results show that the sintering
    temperature of 1210 ℃, ratio of iron tailings, quartz powder, flyash = 3:3:4, holding
    time of 15 min, sintering ceramsite has the best properties such as compressive
    Iron tailings, ceramsite, XRD, expansion rate, water absorption, grain hardness, bulk density
    目 次
    1.1 铁尾矿简介. 4
    1.1.1 铁尾矿的回收利用方法、成分及种类.4
    1.1.2 铁尾矿主要利用途径. 6
    1.2 陶粒简介.7
    2 铁尾矿全分析实验. 10
    2.1.2 Fe2O3的测定. 11
    2.1.3 Al2O3的测定11
    2.1.4 CaO 的测定. 12
    2.1.5 MgO 的测定12
    2.1.6 全分析结果讨论. 13
    2.2 铁尾矿的 XRD 分析14
    2.3 铁尾矿的塑性性能测定 15
    2.4 铁尾矿分析实验结论 16
    3 铁尾矿制备烧结陶粒. 17
    3.1 尾矿烧结陶粒的制备工艺 17
    3.1.1 主要实验仪器与设备. 17
    3.1.2 烧结陶粒配比和烧成温度的前期探索实验.18
    3.1.3 实验原料配比. 19
    3.1.4 试样的制备及烧成制度. 19
    3.2 烧结陶粒的性能 20
    3.2.1 陶粒的性能研究分析. 20
    3.2.2 烧结陶粒断裂面的体视显微镜照片.22
    3.2.4 烧结陶粒的 XRD 分析.27
    烧结陶粒的 XRD 衍射图谱如下图所示.27
    结 论31
    致 谢32
    参 考 文 献32
    1 引言
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