
    摘要基于半导体TiO2的光催化纳米材料技术,对于解决环境污染问题和世界能源危机已经被认为是一种非常重要的方法。多元金属/非金属异质结构纳米催化剂的协同效应最近在光催化应用领域得到了广泛的研究。这里,我们报道了一种温和的方法和高活性体系,该材料采用CdS纳米晶负载在制备好的具有{001}活性晶面暴露的花瓣状锐钛矿TiO2-氧化石墨层状复合材料上。通过XRD、TEM、RTEM、UV - vis、SEM等表征手段证明了具有特殊晶面暴露的CdS敏化的锐钛矿TiO2-石墨烯复合材料表现了一系列特殊的性能。制备的复合材料的光催化活性实验通过波长在大于420nm的可见光下光降解亚甲基蓝得到验证,并将有可能延伸到光解水制氢领域。目前的结果将对光催化净化水和太阳能利用的发展具有指导意义。63924

    毕业论文关键词 CdS敏化 锐钛矿 花瓣状 TiO2-石墨烯 复合  可见光催化活性 


    Title CdS sensitized flower-like anatase TiO2-graphene based composite photocatalyst

    Abstract The technology of semiconductor TiO2-based photocatalytic nanomaterials have been considered as one of the most important approaches to solving the environmental contamination and world energy crisis. Multi-metal/nometal heterostructure nanocatalysts have also raised increasingly significant concern from worldwide researchers in recent years because of their synergistic effects for photocatalytic applications. Here, we reported a facile method and highly active system that adopts CdS nanocrystals loaded on prepared explosed {001} activity faces flower-like anatase TiO2-graphene hierarchical composite. The obtained samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM), which proved that CdS sensitized anatase TiO2-based composite with exposed active facets on graphene showed a series of extraordinary properties. The photocatalytic activity of as-prepared composites for degradation of methylene blue (MB) under visible-light irradiation at λ ≥ 420 nm were investigated and may be extended to the area of the photocatalyst to water splitting. The results presented here will make significant contributions toward the development of delicate composite photocatalysts for photocatalytic water purification and solar energy utilization.

    Keywords   CdS sensitized; anatase; flower-like; TiO2-Graphene;composite; Visible light photocatalytic activity;           

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 纳米材料与半导体 1

    1.2 TiO2与光催化 2

    1.3 氧化石墨的共催化作用 3

    1.4 CdS的敏化作用 3

    1.5 本文特色、研究内容及研究方案 3

    1.5.1 本文特色 3

    1.5.2 研究内容 4

    1.5.3 研究方案 4

    1.6 光催化实验 4

    1.6.1 光催化机理 4

    1.6.2 光催化测试操作

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