    摘要随着汽车散热器以复合铝箔代替传统的铜箔,重量可减轻37-45%,美国有关部门测试结果表明,汽车自重减轻10%,油耗可降低8%,废气排放量可减少2 8%,而现今汽车所用AL-MN合金铝箔厚度只能到0.08mm,所以厚度薄至0.06mm所带来的资源的节省是十分可观的。
    As the car radiator with aluminum foil instead of the traditional copper foil, weight could be reduced 37-45%, United States authorities test results showed that the Vehicle weight could be reduced by 10%, fuel consumption could be reduced by 8%, emissions could be reduced by 28%, and AL-MN alloy foil thickness could only be used in cars to 0.08mm, so thinner to 0.06mm arising from resource savings were considerable.         
    However, due to thickness of reduction made strength AL-MN alloy,creep,corrosion and other performance standards is difficult, so for adding the AL-MN alloy micro alloying elements became the primary means of controlling the strength and other properties, then the alloy type and number of control elements were relatively unknown, too much or too little relative to the amount of change may cause a potential difference between the electrode elements, different elements of the performance improvement brought also different, So one of the alloying elements affect the strength of the alloy AL-MN is the focus of their research is very meaningful and necessary.
    Key words: Aluminum alloy; High-temperature strength; Radiator

    目  录
    1文献综述    1
    1.1国内外技术进展及展望    1
    1.1.1复合铝箔的应用与技术进展    1
    1.1.2 铝合金在汽车散热器中的优势    2
    1.1.3铝合金散热器的技术要求及特点    2
    1.1.4未来国内技术的发展    3
    1.2复合铝箔的材料与性能    3
    1.2.1复合铝箔材料结构    3
    1.2.2复合铝箔的主要性能    4
    1.3Al-Mn合金发展与存在问题    5
    1.3.1Al-Mn合金发展方向    5
    1.3.2 Al-Mn合金发展存在的技术问题    5
    1.4Al-Mn合金的一些微量元素    6
    1.4.1.主要合金元素的添加    6
    1.4.2.微量元素的添加    6
    2选题的目的及意义    7
    3研究内容及意义    8
    3.1研究内容    8
    3.1.1实验条件    8
    3.2 研究目的及目标    8
    4实验方法    8
    5实验详细过程    9
    5.1配方的配制    9
    5.1.1第十次实验    9
    5.1.2 第十一次实验    9
    5.1.3 第十二次实验    9
    5.2 配方的称量    10
    5.3熔炼浇筑及表面处理    10
    5.4轧制    12
    5.5抗下垂性实验    14
    5.6显微硬度实验    19
    5.7金相组织实验    20
    6实验数据及结果    24
    6.1显微硬度HV值    24
    6.2 抗下垂实验下垂值    26
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