    After 2Al12 rolled aluminum bending effect on the organization's
    Abstract:Comparative analysis of metallic materials in the strongly deformed basis of the organization's impact on product performance and change, through rolling 2Al12 after repeated bending aluminum alloys of different radii of curvature, study its organization (grain) changes in laws, etc. situation, combined with the heat treatment process, analyze changes in their organizations, thus further analysis of the combination of rolling and bending deformation on 2Al12 aluminum alloy performance.
    KeyWords:2Al12 aluminum; cold rolling; bending deformation; big plastic deformation; strongly deformed; grains; heat treatment; organizational performance
    目  录

    1 绪论    6
    1.1 引言    6
    1.2 大塑性变形的基本原理    6
    1.2.1 SPD技术分类及其存在问题    8
    1.2.2 SPD加工过程中材料的组织转变特点    8
    1.2.3 晶粒细化    9
    1.2.4 大角晶界    9
    1.2.5 变形织构    9
    1.2.6 硬度及热稳定性    10
    1.2.7 SPD细化合金的微观组织与力学性能    10
    1.3 大塑性变形工艺    10
    1.3.1 等径角挤压(Equal Channel Angular Extrusion or Pressing, ECAE o r ECAP)工艺    11
    1.3.2 高压扭转(High PressureT orsion,HPT)工艺    12
    1.3.3 往复挤压压缩(Cyclic Extrusion Compression,CEC)工艺    13
    1.3.4 连续剪切(Conshearing)工艺    14
    1.3.5 连续约束板带剪切(Continuo us Confined Strip Shearing,C2S2)工艺    14
    1.3.6 等径角轧制(Equal Channel Angular Rolling,ECAR)工艺    15
    1.3.7 累积叠轧(Accumulativerol-lBonding,ARB)工艺    16
    1.3.8 多向锻造(Multiple Forging,MF)工艺    17
    1.3.9 连续反复弯曲(Continuo us Cyclic Bending,CCB)工艺    18
    1.3.10 涡流挤压(Vortex extrusionVE)工艺    18
    1.3.11 折皱-压直法(repetitive corrugation and straightening,RCS)工艺    19
    1.3.12 循环向前向后挤压(cyclic forward-backward extrusion,CFBE)工艺    19
    1.4 大塑性变形应用与展望    20
    1.5 课题的任务内容和技术要求    20
    2 实验过程    22
    2.1 实验目的    22
    2.2 实验设计    22
    2.3 材料选择    22
    2.3.1 力学性能    22
    2.3.2 化学成分    23
    2.3.3 热处理    23
    2.4 试样制备、冷轧    24
    2.4.1 原料    24
    2.4.2 设备选择    24
    2.4.3 轧制过程    26
    2.4.3 剪切    26
    2.5 弯曲    27
    2.5.1 弯曲设备    27
    2.5.2 弯曲模具    27
    2.5.3 弯曲过程    28
    2.6 抽样    30
    2.7 金相    30
    2.7.1 设备    30
    2.7.2 切割    32
    2.7.3 研磨    32
    2.7.4 抛光    32
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