    Nowadays, the ozone has become another major pollutant after PM2.5, exceeded ozone mainly from nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Ozone in the air can not only directly against the body's respiratory system, and even damage to the nervous system. More importantly, the ozone will increased air’s ability of oxidation, increasing the risk of urban photochemical smog. It’s a tremendous threat to our health and life. In this paper, the titanium dioxide modified by methods of depositing Ag particles and reduction of TiO2 by Al, and study the catalytic performance of the modified catalyst. The results show that, the 3% Ag in the P25 catalyst show the best performance by 85%. TiO2-x have a maximum Catalytic Activities in the beginning of test and it also have a good reproducibility, the catalytic performance of Ag-TiO2-x is lower than TiO2-x in the beginning, but it has a slow decrease. Considering the cost of modification, that is not recommended.
    KeyWords:Degradation of Ozone;TiO2;Modified;Catalytic efficiency
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 TiO2材料研究进展    1
    1.1.1 TiO2的发展    1
    1.1.2 TiO2的制备方法    1
    1.1.3 TiO2复合材料    3
    1.1.4 纳米TiO2的应用    3
    1.2 臭氧的概述    4
    1.2.1 臭氧的性质与应用    4
    1.2.2 臭氧的危害    5
    1.2.3 臭氧处理方法    5
    1.3 臭氧浓度监测    6
    1.4 臭氧分解催化剂研究进展    6
    1.5 TiO2臭氧分解催化剂    9
    1.5.1 TiO2臭氧分解催化剂研究进展    9
    1.5.2 TiO2改性臭氧分解催化剂    9
    1.6 选题思路    10
    2 实验部分    12
    2.1 实验原料与实验仪器    12
    2.2 实验过程    13
    2.2.1 不同负载量Ag-P25催化剂的制备    13
    2.2.2 黑钛(TiO2-x)催化剂的制备    13
    2.2.3 3%Ag-黑钛(Ag-TiO2-x)催化剂的制备    14
    2.3 分析表征    14
    2.3.1 透射电镜(TEM)    14
    2.3.2 臭氧分解率的测试与计算    14
    3 结果讨论    16
    3.1 Ag-P25复合材料的制备与催化性能研究    16
    3.1.1 Ag-P25催化臭氧分解性能    16
    3.1.2 Ag-P25紫外-可见漫反射光谱    17
    3.1.3 Ag-P25形貌分析    18
    3.1.4 Ag-P25催化原理    18
    3.2 黑钛(TiO2-x)催化性能研究    20
    3.2.1 TiO2-x形貌分析    20
    3.2.2 TiO2-x的XPS分析    21
    3.2.3 TiO2-x的紫外-可见漫反射    22
    3.2.4 TiO2-x的催化性能    22
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