    关键词  氧化锌纳米晶 透明导电膜 Be、Mg共掺杂 合金化 禁带宽度
    Title   The Inprovement of Hybrid Assembly Properties                    
     of Nanocrystalline Transparent Conductive Film                                  
    Transparent conductive films is kind of the material having both high conductivity and rate of transparency in the visible light range , including metal film , an oxide -based film , compound -based polymer film . Metal Film has favorable conductive properties, but the rate of poor transparency . Semiconductor films is just the opposite , poor electrical conductivity but , high transparency . Under the conditions of today's rapid development of electronic technology , the transparent conductive film as a support material from the core part of the device , attracting more and more researchers' attention. This paper studies the Mg 、 Be co-doped ZnO material , which is a semiconductor thin film , has  excellent performance , such as non-toxic, low price, large band gap , visible light transmittance of more than 90%.
    In this article , BeMgZnO colloids was prepared in liquid decomposition , and we use XRD to characterize the degree of alloying determine Mg, Be -doped than the maximum doped ZnO ; while using UV-Vis to analysis absorption rate of UV to find the minimal absorption wavelength ,and then calculated the band gap . Ultimately different doping materials were analysised , to explore how different doped rates affect the performance of ZnO materials ..
    Keywords  Zinc oxide nanocrystals、Transparent conductive film、Be、M、co-doped、Alloying、Bandgap
    目   次
    1    引言  1
    1.1    ZnO的基本性质  1
    1.2    纳米尺度的ZnO材料  3
    1.3    ZnO材料的应用  4
    1.4    纳米材料的应用  5
    1.5    本论文的研究内容与意义  6
    2    实验方法与原理  6
    2.1    Be、Mg共掺杂ZnO纳米晶的制备  6
    2.2    纳米晶胶体的表征  10
    3    实验结果与分析  13
    3.1    Mg掺杂ZnO的合金化分析  13
    3.2    Mg掺杂ZnO的禁带宽度  17
    3.3    Be掺杂的影响  18
    结论     25
    致谢     26
    参考文献  27
    1  引言(或绪论)
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