    关键词  超级电容器 纳米结构 氢氧化镍 氧化锌模板 镀镍
     毕业论文设计论文 外文摘要
    Title   Use the ZnO template to prepare the three-dimensional metal\oxide composite array and the research of their electrochemical  properties .  
    Nickel hydroxide ,which has good electrochemical performance , is a better material as the electrode of supercapacitor, Electrodes with three-dimensional (3D) nanostructure are expected to improve the energy and power densities per footprint  area of supercapacitor . In this article, we set ZnO nanorod arrays as a template, use a simple hydrolysis to prepare of nanostructures nickel hydroxide array. Through the  electrochemical analysis of the material ,we confirmed the possibility of using the nickel hydroxide as a electrode of supercapacitor. In addition ,
    We have to increase the nano-nickel hydroxide electrode material and the conductive surface area by pre-nickel plating on zinc oxide nanorods,in order to increase the electrochemical performance of nano-nickel hydtoxide. Experimental results show that nickel can effectively improve the electrochemical properties of nickel hydroxide electrode materials.
    Keywords  supercapacitor  nanostructure  nickel hydroxide  ZnO template  nickel plated
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  超级电容器简介    1
    1.1.1  超级电容器及性能    1
    1.1.2  超级电容器的分类及工作原理    2
    1.1.3  超级电容器的应用    3
    1.1.4超级电容器的结构    3
    1.2  超级电容器的电极材料    5
    1.2.1  碳基材料    5
    1.2.2  导电聚合物    6
    1.2.3  金属氧化物    6
    1.3   NiO、Ni(OH)2电极材料    7
    1.3.1  氧化镍与氢氧化镍电极材料简介    7
    1.3.2  氧化镍与氢氧化镍的晶体结构    7
    1.3.3  氧化镍的反应原理    9
    1.3.4  氢氧化镍电极的反应原理    9
    1.3.5  纳米氧化镍与氢氧化镍的制备方法    9
    1.3.6  氢氧化镍基电容器电极材料的挑战    10
    1.4   研究目的和内容    11
    2  实验方案和实验内容    12
    2.1  实验方案思路    12
    2.2  实验试剂仪器设备    12
    2.3  样品的制备    12
    2.4  样品的表征测试    13
    2.4.1  材料结构的表征    13
    2.4.2  材料的电化学性能测试    13
    3  实验结果与分析    15
    3,1  XRD分析    15
    3.2  SEM分析    16
    3.3  电化学测试分析    18
    3.3.1  循环伏安测试    18
    3.3.2  交流阻抗分析    19
    结  论    21
    致  谢    22
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