
    The catalyst composition itself, the chemical nature and the quality does not change before and after the reaction; relationship between it and the reaction system like a lock and key relationship as having high selectivity (or specificity). A catalyst does not have all of the catalysis of chemical reactions, such as manganese dioxide in catalytic thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate, accelerate the chemical reaction rate, but the other is not necessarily catalyze chemical reactions. Some chemical reactions are not only the sole catalyst, such as potassium chlorate heated catalytic decomposition can still magnesia, iron oxide and copper oxide, and so on. And a chemical reaction is not only a catalyst, such as potassium chlorate preparation of oxygen available Shihai red brick powder or copper oxide as catalyst.
    A wide variety of catalysts, the catalyst according to the liquid state can be pided and the solid catalyst; pressing phase into the reaction system homogeneous and a heterogeneous catalyst catalyst, homogeneous catalysts are acids, bases, soluble transition metal compound and a peroxide catalyst. Heterogeneous catalysts include solid acid catalyst, an organic basic catalyst, a metal catalyst, a metal oxide catalyst, the catalyst complex, rare earth catalysts, zeolite catalysts, biocatalysts, nano catalyst; pided according to the type of reaction and polymerization, condensation, esterification acetalization, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, oxidation, reduction, alkylation, isomerization catalyst; also pided according to the size of the main effect of the catalyst and cocatalyst.
    The design of the three phosphorus phenoxy resin can be used as a catalyst complex, a catalytic hydrogenation and other organic hydroxylation reaction, separation and recovery with an easy and repeated use, does not corrode equipment. Do not pollute the environment, so a lot of the advantages of the new catalyst has excellent performance, which in the theoretical study and practical application has a very important significance, I believe that the design of high-performance energy triphenyl paraoxonase resin producers have a certain reference.
    According to the design plan, the design of the 300 tons of triphenyl phosphate oxygen plant process design. Through access to a large amount of literature and practical knowledge of triphenyl paraoxon resin production technology, production equipment and design a scientific proof.
    For triphenyl phosphate oxygen production process, there are three reaction steps: pre-mixed with the monomer copolymer, the main catalyst synthesis, sealed packaging and storage. According to the different products in all aspects of performance specifications, the design reference standards, select the appropriate formulation and manufacturing process conditions.
    Important feature of this design is that the use of triphenyl Paraoxon integrated production cycle, the effective recovery of unreacted materials, reduce production costs and increase flexibility. Synthesized by solution polymerization forest triphenylphosphine oxide component is more complex, except for the monomer, solvent and catalyst, according to the starting material and product performance requirements needed pH adjusting agent was added. Designed to give the basic recipe consists of three steps.
    The combination of raw materials and products needed for specific requirements, based on the technical performance requirements of the polymer solution, the nature of monomers, polymerization heat exclusion principles, the design of the pre-selection feeding recycling solution polymerization process. The process in the actual production has many advantages, such as: to ensure a constant temperature of the reaction system and the polymerization reaction was carried out smoothly, it is possible to completely avoid exothermic peak; polymer solution can effectively control the copolymer composition; narrow molecular weight distribution ; the high stability of the solution polymerization system; reduce raw material consumption, reduce production costs.
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