    关键词   Al-Ti-C-B中间合金;晶粒细化;变形处理;TiCxBy;TiB2
    Title   Effect of  deformation treatment on the microstructure of  Al-Ti-C-B master alloys and its grain refining efficiency                                                 
    In the present study, the different degrees of deformation treatment on Al-2.2Ti-0.55C-0.8B master alloys , The effect of deformation on the microstructure of the master alloy has been studied by a series of analysis methods, such as FESEM and XRD and so on.Furthermore, the grain refining performance of master alloy with different deformation process have also been carried out on commercial pure aluminum.
    It is found that when the amount of deformation less than sixty percent, the second phase particles group in the base will be dispersed form the state of aggregation, and then dispersed in the matrix gradually. When the degree of deformation rising into ninety percent or ninety five percent, the TiCxBy and TiB2 particles will broken slightly, but it will more diffuse. When the level into ninety nine percent, there  already considerable part of  TiCxBy and TiB2 were broken and the size of the grains getting smaller.
    It is also found that when the amount of deformation in the range of a certain extent(less than sixty percent), the particles will be dispersed gradually with the increase of the degree, the grain refinement and the recession-resistant performance of the master alloys will increase gradually. When the level rising into ninety percent or ninety five percent, the grain refinement of the alloys will be better, but the recession-resistant performance will be worse. The degree of deformation was ninety nine percent, both will be worse .             
    Keywords  the Al-Ti-C-B master alloys; grain refinement; deformation processing; TiCxBy; TiB2
    目   次
    1  绪论    3
    1.1  铝及铝合金的介绍    3
    1.2 铝合金细化剂的发展及研究现状    3
    1.2.1 铝合金细化剂的发展    3
    1.2.2 铝合金细化剂的研究现状    4
    1.3 铝合金细化剂的细化原理    4
    1.4 课题的意义    5
    1.5 课题内容    5
    2  实验方法    7
    2.1 实验材料    7
    2.2 实验设备与仪器    7
    2.3 实验过程    7
    2.3.1 样品准备    7
    2.3.2 轧制处理    7
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