    (2)通过调节IrMn膜厚可以诱导发生交换偏置效应。FeCo的有效各向异性和矫顽力大小随IrMn膜厚先增加后减小,本文中当SiO2/ [IrMn/FeCo]3周期薄膜中每层IrMn膜厚为10 nm时,各向异性和矫顽力出现最大值。
    关键词  交换偏置;铁磁;反铁磁;各向异性
    Title   Tuning Anisotropy of Soft Magnetic Metallic Multilayer Film  Based on Exchange Bias Effect                                                   
    The exchange bias in FM/AFM bilayers has been widely used in spin valve structures and magnetic tunnel junctions. In this paper we manufactured Co/FeMn and FeCo/IrMn film system by high vaccum magnetron sputtering platform. Then we investigated hysteresis loop and verified the exchange bias by VSM and SQUID.
    For Co/FeMn film system, the hysteresis loops at room temperature have good soft magnetic properties; But no offset easy axis of magnetization occurs, that does not generate exchange bias; There is no exchange bias can we find, we analysis it might because antiferromagnetic coupling of FeMn is weak.
    While for FeCo/IrMn film system, we manufacture six layers of film. There is an obvious offset on hysteresis loop, namely exchange bias.
    However, during the process of experiment, we occasionally found:
    (A)    For Co/FeMn film system,anisotropic field is below 100 Oe. While the anisotropic field of exchange bias seasonal film system can reach 342.04 Oe. It is mainly because the antiferromagnetic coupling of FeMn is weaker than IrMn. The coercivity of ferromagnetic layers reach its maximum when the thickness of antiferromagnetic layer increase.
    (B)    We can control exchange bias and the coercivity of the system by controling the thickness of the IrMn layer. Effective anisotropy and coerciy of FeCo increase first then decreases with the increase of thickness of IrMn layer. In this paper when the thickness of IrMn is 10nm, anisotropy and coercivity reach their maximum.
    Keywords: Exchange bias; Ferromagnetic; Antiferromagnetic; Anisotropy;
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  铁磁/反铁磁交换偏置的基本特征    2
    1.3  交换偏置理论解释模型    6
    1.4  交换偏置中反铁磁稀释效应的研究    8
    1.5  选题目的以及研究内容    9
    2  实验材料的制备和研究方法    11
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