    毕业论文关键词: 抽油杆钢;热模拟;金相组织;显微硬度;贝氏体
    The Influence Of Deformation And Cooling Process On Sucker Rod Steel
    Abstract:With the continuous development and innovation of computer technology,theoretical research breakthrough of experimental study,studying the microstructure in the process of thermal cooling by thermal simulation of computer has become popular in metal material processing and research direction.This paper is based on baosteel's production of sucker rod steel as the research object,in thermal simulation on the actual production process, the thermal deformation of materia-cooling test, to observe the effects of deformation and cooling process parameters on the organization.We made metallographic microstructure and microhardness testing by optical microscope and microhardness instrument , the results show that  the microstructure of the steel sucker rod is primarily bainite.With the increase of deformation temperature, the hardness decrease.The grain size of bainite organization decrease.
    KeyWords: Sucker rod steel; Thermal simulation;Metallurgical structure; microhardness;bainite
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 工程背景    1
    1.2 研究目的和意义    1
    1.3 抽油杆钢的概况    2
    1.3.1抽油杆钢的种类及其特点    2
    1.3.2 抽油杆钢的组织转变    4
    1.4 国内外研究概况    5
    1.4.1 国外抽油杆钢的发展    5
    1.4.2 国内抽油杆钢的发展    6
    1.5 研究内容    8
    2 实验材料和方案    9
    2.1 实验材料    9
    2.1.1 实验材料的成分    9
    2.2 实验方案的制定    9
    2.1.1 工艺参数的制定    9
    2.1.2 单道次压缩实验方案    10
    2.1.3 二道次压缩实验方案    10
    2.3 测试方法    12
    2.3.1 微观组织形貌观察    12
    2.3.2 力学性能测试    13
    2.4 实验的主要设备    13
    3 实验结果及讨论    14
    3.1 变形及冷却工艺对组织的影响    14
    3.1.1 变形速率对组织的影响    14
    3.1.2 变形温度对组织的影响    17
    3.1.3 终轧温度对组织的影响    20
    3.1.4 终冷温度对组织的影响    21
    3.1.3 变形量对组织的影响    22
    3.2 变形及冷却工艺对硬度的影响    23
    3.2.1 变形温度对硬度的影响    24
    3.2.2 变形速率对硬度的影响    25
    3.2.3 终轧温度对硬度的影响    26
    3.2.4 终冷温度对硬度的影响    26
    3.2.5 变形量对硬度的影响    27
    4  结论    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    1 绪论
    1.1 工程背景
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