    关键词  铝合金棒   挤压成形   数值模拟   应力场   速度场
    Title      Aluminum Alloy Rod Extrusion Forming Numerical simulation                                               
    With a stronger social consciousness of sustainable development,industries have a higher request on energy-efficient and environment-friendly.Since its light weight,high strength,corrosion resistance,excellent mechanical performance and easy recovery which traditional materials don’t have,nowadays, aluminum alloy is more and more important and widely applied in aerospace,communications,industrial machinery,construction and metallurgy.
    My topic is focus on numerical simulation of aluminum alloy rod extrusion.With the modeling and simulation by ANSYS, I make research on transient stress field and velocity field in different condition to find basic principles on aluminum alloy extrusion. The result shows, in extrusion process, the average flow rate of inner metal is higher than the outer ones.With friction coefficient increasing, the max value of X-component, Y-component and Z-component stress increase, which would cause residual stress increasing after extrusion.The max Von Mises stress of die is much higher than the value of blank, and it is insensitive to friction coefficient. With the angle increasing,the max value of Von Mises stress on die increases, however, it has a min value when the angle is around 5.7 degree, which means extrusion with 5.7 degree is the best working condition.
    Keywords  Aluminum alloy rod  extrusion forming  numerical simulation  stress field velocity field
    目   次
    1 绪论 1
    2  挤压原理及铝合金挤压发展概况  2
    2.1 挤压技术及其发展概况 2
    2.2  铝型材挤压挤压加工工艺的基本原理及特点 3
    2.3 铝型材挤压成型过程数值模拟研究现状  3
    3  有限元数值模拟原理及发展概况  5
    3.1 有限元法的基本思想 5
    3.2  有限元法的发展过程 5
    3.3  有限元法中的非线性问题5
    3.4  状态非线性问题的特点和其ANSYS分析方法6
    4  铝合金棒挤压实验及分析 8
    4.1  挤压过程参数描述 8
    4.2  问题分析 9
    4.3  模拟步骤9
    4.4  实验结果13
    4.5  结果分析37
    结论  53
    致谢  54
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